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Forensic Science

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Forensic science is the application of science to law. In criminal justice, this concept is applied to criminal cases but it also may apply to civil cases that do not have a criminal justice interest. The beginning of forensic science started in the late 1800s, with scientists and criminalists such as Galton, Bertillion, Gross, Locard, Vucetich, Goddard, and Lattes.

Research the following points, and write a 4–6-page paper fully explaining each point:

Explain the concept of forensic science and its meaning in the criminal justice system.

What is anthropometry, and why did it fall short of its intended process?

What area of forensic science is Sir Francis Galton noted for advancing?

Why is Dr. Edmond Locard known as the Sherlock Holmes of France?

In 1903, a case of mistaken identity between Will West and William West in the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas resulted in a switch from one method of inmate identification to a method that is still used today. What was it, and why did the switch occur?

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Forensic Science
Forensic science is the application of science to criminal and civil investigations (Bell et al., 2018). It can be used to help solve crimes by providing clues that can be used to identify suspects or exonerate the innocent. It can also be used in civil cases to determine the cause of accidents or to help resolve disputes. Forensic science has been used in criminal investigations for centuries. In the early days, it was mainly used to help identify the bodies of murder victims. Forensic science plays a vital role in the criminal justice system by providing objective scientific evidence that can be used to help solve crimes (Bell et al., 2018). It can help identify suspects, determine motives, and reconstruct events. It helps disprove alibis and establish guilt. In addition, the justice system has used the tool before to exonerate the innocent from charges against them.
Forensic science is used for many purposes, including fingerprints, DNA analysis, ballistics, and tracing crime-related evidence (Morgan, 2019). The use of forensic science has helped to solve many crimes that might otherwise have gone unsolved. It has also helped convict people who might have been found innocent. In some cases, it has even helped to exonerate people wrongly convicted. The development of new forensic science techniques has made it possible to solve crimes once thought impossible. For example, DNA analysis can now be used to identify suspects in crimes where there is no other evidence. It has led to many people being convicted of crimes they might otherwise have been found innocent of. (Morgan, 2019). It can be used to solve crimes and to convict or exonerate the innocent. It is constantly evolving, and new technologies are making it possible to solve crimes that were once thought impossible.
Anthropometry studies the human body in terms of its physical dimensions. It was once thought that this discipline could predict an individual's physical strength, endurance, and other physical characteristics (Hsiao et al., 2021). However, anthropometry has fallen short of its intended purpose. The problem is a great deal of variability in human physical characteristics. For example, two people of the same height can have very different body types. It makes it difficult to use anthropometry to predict disease or identify criminals. In recent years, anthropometry has been used in fields such as ergonomics and sports science. However, its usefulness is limited by the same problem of variability (Hsiao et al., 2021). Despite its shortcomings, anthropometry remains an essential tool for researchers. It can provide valuable insights into the human body and its physical characteristics. The physical dimensions of the human body vary considerably from person to person. The relationship between physical dimensions and physical strength, endurance, and other physical characteristics is far from clear (Hsiao et al., 2021). Anthropometry does not consider the effects of the environment, diet, and other factors on the human body.
Sir Francis Galton is noted for advancing the area of forensic science known as fingerprinting. He developed a system for classifying fingerprints that are still in use today, and his work laid the foundation for using fingerprints in criminal investigations. Fingerprints are one of the most commonly used forms of forensic science. They are used to identify individuals arrested or convicted of a crime. Fingerprints h...
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