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Analysis of Trump’s Policy of Shutting down Mosques. Law Essay

Essay Instructions:


The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” In 2015, Presidential candidate Donald Trump proposed that he would consider shutting down mosques in the United States. Now that Donald Trump is president assume for the purposes of this assignment that he created an executive order mandating the closure of all mosques.

 Consider Donald Trump’s statements from a Constitutional perspective. Would Trump’s policies violate the First Amendment? Explain.

 Suppose you are the lawyer involved in this case. Which side would you choose to represent, the U.S. Government as the defendant or the congregation of a Muslim mosque as the plaintiffs?

 After deciding your position, please make arguments on behalf of your client (either the U.S. Government or the Muslim Congregation). Explain your position using your interpretation of the Constitution and relevant case law.

• Your paper must be at least 1000 words.

• Please double space your paper and use standard 12 point font.

• Make sure to proofread your paper before submitting.

• Please follow APA format when referencing information from outside sources.

• Make sure to reference at least three (3) outside sources.

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Analysis of Trump’s Policy of Shutting down Mosques
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Analysis of Trump’s Policy of Shutting down Mosques
Comprehension of the religious beliefs of other people is an essential component of tolerance since their faith traditions typically define a critical part of their identity. In the United States, the spectrum of religious diversity is a crucial aspect of our culture as a whole. Religion can sometimes be a cornerstone of political debate. The First Amendment highlights that the U.S Congress shall make no law that neither disrespect the establishment of a religion nor prevents individuals from exercising this religion freely (De Andréa, 2016).
Additionally, it indicates that no laws shall abridge the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people to assemble peacefully. Finally, it highlights that citizens can petition the government or redress of grievances. This paper will assess the rationale behind President Trump’s statement which proposed the consideration of shutting down mosques in the United States. It will also defend the government’s position and make arguments that support the president’s decision of closing down mosques in the United States.
Why Trump’s policy does not violate the First Amendment.
In the analysis of the First Amendment, the first provision prevents Congress from developing a law that establishes a religion or prevents the liberty of exercising a specific region by the citizens. This restriction is upon the government and not on the people. The next provision that prohibits the government from abridging the freedom of speech means that the government cannot prevent citizens from speaking their mind (Parker, & Vronsky, 2016).
The government cannot control, fund or shut down the press from printing the truth. Additionally, the government cannot prohibit people from assembling peacefully and also, cannot prevent anyone from gathering for religious or any other reason as long as the assemblies are peaceful. There also can be no policy that prohibits people from petitioning the government for redressing their grievances (Awan, & Blakemore, 2016). This means that if a particular person has a problem with the government, they have the right to petition to remedy or redress the situation.
Based on president Trumps policy, it is clear that religious liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution was not created to be concluded that members of any particular religion are exempted from the governing laws of the nation. As for Muslims, their faith does not grant them the constitutional right to beat their wife, abuse their children or stone heretics (De Andréa, 2016). It also does not give them the legal right to force other adults to belong to Islam against their will. Therefore, there are constitutionally valid laws that prevent or restrict Muslims, who are adherents of Sharia law from imposing its systems unwillingly on others.
Mosques are Sharia-compliant facilities, and therefore without adequately highlighting that they are a religious organization, they should be closed down (Parker, & Vronsky, 2016). These are political institutions with Sharia-compliant rules and systems and therefore based on the numerous regulations in the Sharia law, they entirely contradict the liberties and freedoms provided to people in the U.S constitution.
Arguments supporting the closure of mosques
Sharia law is a religious law however since it is associated with terrorism and anti-Americanism, it precisely does not align with the protections provided in the First Amendment. Any religious institution is legally qualified for tax-exempt status, and therefore, the mosque must meet essential requirements (De Andréa, 2016). A mosque must be operated and organized mainly for religious, educational, scientific or other charitable purposes which are rarely seen in most of these institutions. Their net earnings may not be inured to the benefit of any private person or shareholde...
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