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Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1,100 word paper in which you analyze the relationship between ethics and professional behavior in the administration of criminal justice.

-Explain the role of critical thinking with regard to the relationship of ethics and professional behavior.

-Include in your paper a proposal for a seminar in ethics training for law enforcement officers.

-In your proposal choose five areas of ethical conduct and that will be stressed in the seminar.

-Explain why you chose those areas and what the expected benefits of the training will be for both officers and the community.

Include at least four peer reviewed references

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis
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Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis
Ethics can be defined as a branch of philosophy that entails the process of systematizing, guarding and bringing on board the ideas of right and wrong behavior or code of conduct. The notion of ethics comprises matters of value when relating to others. Criminal justice is one field that requires the use of ethics because of its nature. However, this is so because it is a sensitive field where honesty and integrity should be observed at all cost. This discussion aims to analyze the use of critical thinking and ethics in the field of justice. Through critical thinking and ethics, the right person will be judged for the wrong they have done. At times the judiciary system has been compromised through social issues like corruption, and this can only be fought through the use of ethics and critical thinking. Everyone deserves justice regardless of their social status, and this is one problem that has been experienced in many parts of the world.
Ethics calls for a situation where a person would be expected to act in the right way concerning a specific issue. When incorporated with critical thinking, ethics will improve the professionalism of all personnel found in the judiciary sector (Phillips, 2009). Critical thinking is an intellectual discipline that involves the process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, analyzing and synthesizing gathered information concerning a certain issue at hand. Over the years, many people working in the justice sector have been lured in their process of offering justice, especially when dealing with the so-called untouchables in society. Some of the untouchables in the society comprise of politicians, celebrities among other influential individuals within a given society. However, ethics, critical thinking, and professionalism are the tools that have been used to enhance justice in many criminal proceedings.
The importance of Critical Thinking and Ethics in Criminal Justice
Critical thinking and ethics are two principles that when used in the right way will reduce the persistence of a polarizing perception. Through critical thinking and ethics, professionals working in criminal justice departments can learn more about how to make the right decision when handling a known case of criminal justice. Delayed justice can be said to be denied justice, and this is why justice should be offered in the shortest time possible (Rouse, 2015). However, this means all involved stakeholders should be able to apply empathy among other principles while offering justice. Professionalism encourages effectiveness, and this should be the aim of everyone working in the criminal justice department. All involved parties in criminal justice, detectives, lawyers, and judges should work towards one direction of administering in the best way. Through the knowledge of critical thinking topic and ethics, such stakeholders will stop at nothing until justice is given to the one who deserves it.
There are cases like in developing nations where poor legal frameworks and malpractices have affected the delivery of justice. Corruption and nepotism are some of the common enemies of justice in developing nations (Singer, 2014). However, through critical thinking and ethics, stakeholders of justice found in such nations will be able to deliver justice at all cost, and this is why no reason can be given when justice is denied. Ethics encourages individuals ...
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