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Three characteristics of poor decision making

Essay Instructions:
Prepare a two to three page paper, following the APA guidelines, detailing three of the Common Characteristics of Poor Decision Making, three ways of Resisting Requests to Act Unethically, and three ways you can choose to Lead Ethically from Chapter 4 in the text. Please add knowledge of personal/peer experiences as appropriate. Mallor, J.P., Barnes, A.J., Bowers, T., & Langvardt, A.W. (2010). Business Law: The ethical, global,and ecommerce environment (14th ed.). New York : Irwin/McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-337764-3.
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Ethics in action
(Insert name)
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Three characteristics of poor decision making
Decision making can be explained as being the mental procedures that leads one to select a course of action among many alternative situations. However, decision making can be either good or poor/bad. People can make poor decisions when they are overconfident. This means that their decisions might be influenced by their perceptions that they are right even when they are not (Megone & Robinson, 2002). This mostly happens when for instance, employees are overconfident over their actions such that they do not want to consult their employer when taking a course of action. As much as it is good for one to be confident, being overconfident is not advisable. The decisions that they arrive at might not always be what the employer want hence, the employee might even lose the job. Secondly, when one does not understand the complexity of the situation, he/she might make poor decisions. This implies that in some cases people assume the complexity of the situation and make decisions that are not ethical leading to conflicts. When one is overconfident, there are chances that one can overlook the density of the problem leading to decisions which are not for the betterment of all. Thirdly, a weak structure of corporate governance is also another characteristic of poor decision making. For instance, in business field, absence of corporate control can lead to collapsing of the business or the company. However, if the management of every institution is weak, it means that the lower cadre or the other departments will do as they wish and they will make their own decision which might not always be good, thus poor management and poor results (Mallor, et al, 2010).
Three ways of resisting requests to act unethically
Acting ethically means acting according to what the law demands or requires. Everybody should be able to know what is ethical in his/...
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