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Ethical Issues in the Film "Margin Call"

Essay Instructions:

This assignment requires that you watch a movie (Margin Call) and write a paper (see attachment for details).

This is an extra credit assignment, and is not mandatory.

If you choose to write the paper, credit will be based not only on content, but also on how well written the paper is (this includes spelling, grammar, integration of concepts, organization etc.).

Sources must be properly cited (please use a separate citation/footnote page which is not included in the maximum number of pages for the paper). Use of source material or content without proper citation or credit may be considered plagiarism and will result in a rejection of the paper for a zero grade.

Please be sure that any points made are easy to follow and are not redundant, and be sure the content incorporates methods of ethics resolution. Do not take space by merely repeating the content of the attached page since grading is based on substance. It is more important that the paper be well written as opposed to reaching the maximum number of pages of content.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Issues
Institutional Affiliation
Ethical Issues
The film is filled with business principles that transcend the realm of finance. One of the film's themes is company ethics and if personal gain should take precedence over customer/employee investment. Clearly, John Tuld's and senior management's action illustrates that everyone is looking out for themselves. Individual investors are at the whims of the persons and businesses with whom they invest. Tuld's ease with which he takes judgments is frightening to any business ethics observer (Giannini, 2017). With unqualified phrases such as "it's just money," the audience begins to grasp the concept that the financial system might be an unfair game. By contrast, Peter's employer, Sam Rogers, is almost overwhelmed by the ethical implications of the company's proposed solution to its difficulties. When Sam comes upon the issue that precipitates the catastrophe, it's one thing to be stunned by the magnitude of what's going to occur. However, this does not imply that one's fury cannot be set aside when one's existence is at stake, an attitude he discreetly retains but is not hesitant to use when the situation requires it.
Moral principles abandon to save a business that has the excessive risk to maximize revenues and employee compensation. Management is prepared to go to any length to preserve themselves and safeguard their fortunes. It involves the liquidation of whole departments, so jeopardizing the integrity of their own employees' careers. This film has numerous significant ethical messages. Additionally, the video demonstrated other minor points and notes. One example was the employer's exploitation of an employee's entitlements as leverage to compel them into performing the enterprise's requirements. St...
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