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Emotions in Political Essay. Voters and Politicians. Law Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

In this paper, you will write about how we can apply what we learned in class to better understand how voters and politicians

form beliefs, make judgments, make decisions and persuade others to take a specific position. More specifically, I am looking for you

to utilize what we learned in class to better understand a specific topic relevant to modern-day politics.

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Emotions in Political
Emotions in Political
Both voters and politicians contribute significantly towards the choice of candidates during elections. In modern-day politics, manipulation of emotions has been actively incorporated in politics. Furthermore, emotions have significance in the deviations of thoughts and decision-making among voters and politicians. Emotional appeals in political campaigns are employed to mobilize support for a candidate or mitigate support for an opponent. Political campaigns aimed at instilling enthusiasm and hopefulness about the candidate being supported. Furthermore, these campaigns focus on Evoking fear and anxiety about the opponent. These political campaigns focus on the individual candidate's desire and a general objective to improve voters' political participation. Both voters and politicians participate in emotional persuasion. Emotional persuasion could either be intended by voters and politicians or happen naturally. Politicians employ several strategies that help form beliefs, influence judgment, and voter decisions. Some of these strategies include Ads, speeches, images, and leverage music. These strategies impact the behavior of voters towards politicians. Emotions are evoked when the brain develops a perception of an object and interprets its significance. Therefore emotions are responses to the predetermined importance of circumstances. However, emotions might be negative or positive and have variable impacts. Emotions such as anxiety, anger, and enthusiasm are essential in improving decision-making. Politicians also depend on their observation of emotions invoked in voters to help them make decisions. In light of these ideas, the paper focuses on political advertisements that evoke emotions and the dual emotion process model.
The essence of political campaigns by various political parties is to persuade voters. Various election parties maximize their chances of winning through the construction of elaborate campaigns by investing numerous resources. Different election parties use various advertisement strategies to mobilize voters. During the election period, both positive and negative Ads are used by the election parties. Through political campaign adverts, politicians prey on the hopes and fears of the people through emotional appeal. Various consultants hired by political parties view emotions as the center of political advertising. Emotions are an essential part of political advertising. Consultants during political campaigns mainly focus on how the message is conveyed to the people. Political candidates use campaign advertising to evoke emotions, therefore predictably influencing the political behavior of the viewers. Consultants of political parties usually view music and images as the key to emotional manipulation. In modern-day politics, the advancement in technology has offered candidates new opportunities to persuade voters; both politicians and voters are becoming increasingly reliant on technology in accessing information. Voting behavior is continuously changing due to the advancement in technology. Various political parties use social media outlets such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in emotionally manipulating voters to support them. When political appeals appear more emotional rather than rational, they tend to be more persuasive. The media plays a vital role in the political persuasion of voters and their decision-making process.
Emotions induced through media influence political attitudes since they can stimulate the behavior of reasoned choices. Emotional communication to voters aids in guided judgment and simplified decision-making. It impacts what the citizens need to pay attention to and channels their thoughts by encouraging associations. Political advertisements use images, sounds, and speeches to unleash audiences' desired response by tapping into their personal experiences of failure or success. Through ads, politicians use cues such as an end to police brutality to strike a chord. Political campaign advertisements use images and music to manipulate the voters' emotions, therefore affecting their behavior. Furthermore, through music and images, voters develop fear when viewing ads with threatening images and messages in music with similar motives. Several research pieces suggest that voters tend to be enthusiastic and hopeful when they view advertisements, uplifting images, and music (Brader, 2005). Negative advertisements should elicit not only fear but also encourage critical thinking. The effects of campaign advertisements are evident in the voter's motivation to get involved in the election, their vigilance, and their decision to vote for a particular candidate.
Research shows, campaign ads encourage positive messages to evoke enthusiasm, which impacts the voters' choices. Voters exposed to enthusiastic appeals through advertisements show a greater interest in voting, involvement in political campaigns, and are willing to choose a candidate (Brader, 2005). Furthermore, the advertisements that impose fear on the people increase persuasion and vigilance in the voter. Through positive advertising, the candidate can highlight their strengths and promote their merits. Furthermore, positive advertising evokes emotions of pride and hope. Positive advertising exerts a complimentary evaluation and perception of the candidate. Positive messages by political advertising are more motivating to the voters. However, concerning enthusiasm appeals, there is little evidence to suggest that positive advertising promotes vigilance (Brader, 2005). Positive advertising has a low influence on voter turnout regardless of the tone used in displaying the message.
Moreover, enthusiasm appeals have been proven to turn voters' attention to other critical issues other pressing issues. Positive news from political advertising can cause voters to rely more on prior beliefs. Through fear, the voter is motivated to find more information to learn more about a particular candidate. Negative advertisements have been proven not to sway the voter directly but play a significant role in voters' choice. Negative advertising can both increase and mitigate voter turnout since various campaigns use negative messages with different aims. Furthermore, negative campaigns can gain voter turnout due to the controversy they generate, which will attract the media's attention since they are more prone to reporting negative news. Negative advertisements can impact voter mobilization since they portray negative information that is more visible to the voter and have a greater power to inform the people than positive Ads (Brader, 2005).
Moreover, a negative advertisement can also demobilize by decreasing the public confidence in their officials. Furthermore, negative ads with legitimate criticism can mitigate voter turnout since the voters will lose confidence in the electoral process. According to affective intelligence mobilization or persuasion of the voter through...
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