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Drug Trafficking History: How's Behaves Now ,Examples

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Drug trafficking history ,how's behaves now ,examples and a really good conclusion

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Drug Trafficking
According to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Drug trafficking is contacted worldwide, and illegal drugs are believed to be one of the most traded goods in the world. Countries have tried combating illicit trade on their own for long and they failed before realizing international networking could help fighting the trade. Cocaine, heroin, and marijuana are the most traded illicit drugs. Drug trafficking organizations, according to the United States Department of Justice, are complex organizations with highly defined command and control structures that produce, transport, and distribute large quantities of one or more illicit drugs. Drug trafficking has been evolving and has become more dynamic in modern day trades while countries have taken different measures in combating the illegal trade.
The history of drug trafficking can be traced back in early 19th century in China. In retaliation to the illegal drug trade that had emerged, the Chinese government enforced a ban on the importation of opium leading to first Opium War. The war was fought between Qing Dynasty China and the United Kingdom in 1839-1842. This war was a result of dissatisfaction of the United Kingdom on the ban of opium, and they were forcing China to let the British merchants trade opium. Another reason that led to the war was the destruction and confiscation of opium belonging to British merchants.
Opium trade was lucrative, and, therefore, British merchants had seen an opportunity that they could not let go. Cases of opium smoking increased in the 19th century hence increased the number of addicts in China. An increased number of users meant increased trade for the British merchants. Opium addiction was causing social and economic disruption in China, and the government was determined to solve the issue. But when the British won the First Opium War, they continued to import opium from India and trade it in China.
Due to increased business and addiction levels growing in China, British merchants increased their business. For this reason, there was second Opium War that the Britain was joined by France to fight against China and in both wars China lost. However, opium use was increasing even in the UK giving rise to the implementation of the 1868 Pharmacy Act that restricted the sale of opium in Britain. Opium use and trad...
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