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Discussion Question: Sweatshops

Essay Instructions:

From the e-Activity, determine at least three (3) ways in which United States’ businesses can address the adverse effects of sweatshop labor practices. Provide one (1) specific example of each way that you have just determined to support your response.

Considering the effect of worker rights on global and developing economies, take a position on whether or not the United States government should regulate the global workforce of the United States corporations. Justify your response.

**Two separate discussion questions**

***Week 5 eActivity 

Research the Internet or the Strayer Library for articles on sweatshop labor practices around the world. Be prepared to discuss

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sweatshops have in the recent past come under constant scrutiny relative to the fact that they are exploitative of the workers’ rights. Poor staffs are forced to work for long hours without the luxuries of being treated as human beings(Gunther, 2006). Poor pay and working conditions are characteristic of the sweatshops, with some even going as far as reaching out to the human trafficking rings.While most of the companies have taken a firm stand against products that are produced under the sweatshop conditions, it is usually a step too late, as most of them only act after pressure mounts. These efforts are thus half measures that can eradicate the vise in the society.
As for the US government, there are quite a number of steps that they could take to ensure that the sweatshops are eradicated and human rights are upheld. One of the basic steps that the government can take is to ensure that the businesses and firms account for their suppliers. In this case, businesses will be held liable for working with known firms that support the vice(Www-rohan.sdsu.edu, 2015). This can be done by imposing heavy penalties and cancellation of licenses for periods of not less than two years.As a result, businesses and firms will take a keen interest in their suppliers and their ethical practices.
The second step can be, getting the public educated on sweatshops and their unethical practices(Www-rohan.sdsu.edu, 2015). In most cases, it is the demand for low cost goods that pushes businesses to pursue unethical practices. When the citizens understand the need to buy from reputable businesses, it is much ...
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