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Essay Instructions:
As a profession, police are unique in the amount of power they can exercise with the general population. Because of this position of power and trust, police also have great need for training and understanding related to cultural sensitivity and awareness. They deal with populations across the community, and although there has been a recent focus on hiring criminal justice professionals that are representative of the populations they serve on the job, no one officer or group can be representative of all community members. This is where leadership related to police–community relations and cultural sensitivity can bridge the gaps and facilitate awareness. Consider the following scenario: You have been hired as the chief of police in a community where there are strained police–community relations due to several instances of cultural insensitivity. In addition, police department morale is low due to complaints regarding cultural insensitivity among the police officers. THE ASSIGNMENT Create a 4- to 5-page professional report in which you outline a plan to a) improve police–community relations and b) address the morale and cultural insensitivity issues in the police force. Part I: Explain two specific steps or programs that you would implement to improve police–community relations. Be specific, and provide evidence from the literature to support your choice of these steps or programs. (2–3 pages) Part II: Explain two steps or programs that you would implement within the police force to address morale and cultural insensitivity. Be specific and provide evidence from the literature to support your choice of these steps or programs. (2–3 pages) Provide at least three scholarly resources to support your recommendations.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness Introduction Police officers are vital stakeholders in the execution of the law enforcement objectives. It is the role of those officers to implement the law. However, considering the fact that such officers must respond to the needs of multiple diverse people, their roles become complicated. In contemporary society, cultural diversity is a vital component that is highly prevalent. As such, a police officer is required to understand the unique needs of each of the diverse individuals that they serve. Considering the fact that most people are just adjusting to diverse cultural settings, it becomes a challenge for the officers to match the standards to all people all the time. In this plan, emphasis is put on addressing the above issues by exploring how to improve police–community relations and how to address the morale and cultural insensitivity issues in the police force. Steps/Programs to Improve Police-Community Relations Community Policing Partnerships There are two specific programs that a leader within the police force could employ to improve the relationship between police and members of the community. The first program should be the implementation of community policing partnerships. Community policing prioritizes proactive interaction with members of the community to establish trust and jointly develop solutions to local issues (Carlier et al., 2018). This approach cultivates constructive relationships, enhances comprehension, and encourages community involvement in enhancing public safety. The program also allows for a collective approach towards addressing crime in specific settings. The efficacy of community policing has been explored in multiple research studies. Kocsis et al. (2020) conducted a meta-analysis study whose findings revealed that community policing initiatives resulted in notable decreases in crime rates, fear of crime, and grievances against law enforcement. Additionally, findings from Zhao et al. (2018) demonstrated that community policing initiatives played a role in fostering trust and bolstering the credibility of police within various demographic communities. Various steps could be considered in implementing community policing partnerships. The first step should be the implementation of foot patrols and regular visits (Burgess et al., 2019). An increase in police presence in various community settings can encourage the officers and community members to engage in issues while partaking in solving problems jointly. The second step should be the implementation of community policing councils in which the police and community members can engage in a range of topics like collaborative initiatives, safety concerns, and providing feedback to the police. Finally, there should be youth engagement programs in which the police and community engage in activities like sports leagues or mentorship initiatives, to build positive relationships and promote mutual understanding. Transparency and Accountability Measures The second program should be the implementation of transparency and accountability measures. Prospects like effective communication and accountability are essential in restoring trust and add...
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