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High Technological Crimes in the United States of America

Essay Instructions:
The impact and use of technology in policing and the courts is a primary tool for police/courts to be productive and "keep up" with the increasing sophistication of high tech crime and criminals. New techniques and advanced technology are now required to maintain a high quality of police and court management. What are some of the high tech crimes now being committed in the United States? Give specific examples of recent technology being used to "fight" crime by police departments. Identify and describe "gaps" between sophisticated high tech crime and law enforcement agencies' training and equipment used to address high tech crimes. What are your personal views on the use of technology by the courts and law enforcement agencies? Please be specific and support your ideas with current references, primarily less than three years old.
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High Technological Crimes in the United States of America
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High Technological Crimes in the United States of America
As the world is growing and technology is improving day in and out, the risk of criminology increases too. This is due to criminals taking the advantage and using the opportunity of having technological skills to commit their criminal deeds. Committing a crime by the use of technology is more economical and reduces the risk of being caught hence this explains its popularity. This article is going to discuss some of the high technological crimes in the United States, ways on how technology is used to fight crimes, identify the gap between the high tech crimes and the law enforcement agencies and equipment used to address high tech crimes.
Cybercrimes constitute some of the examples of high technological crimes where one does not need to be physically involved in the crime scene. Cybercrimes are commonly defined as any kind of unlawful or criminal activity by usage of the internet, a public or private network, and in-house computer (California legislative, 2009). There are three groups of attacks by the cybercrimes: personal, government and property. Cybercrimes consists of the following components: computer viruses, denial of service attack (DoS), cyberstalking, cyber terrorism, reshipping, malware and malicious codes and many more. (California legislative, 2009)
California is the leading state in high tech manufacturing activities. While California is described as the unmatched engine of innovation in biotechnology and clean technology, it is unfortunately the leading in high tech crimes statistics (California legislative, 2009). According to the latest Internet Crime Complain Centre (IC3), internet offences complaints vacillating to 275 278 acknowledged in the 2008 calendar year, Californians embraced 15.8% of the recognized internet crime culprits and 14.6% of the victims (California legislature, 2009). The National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) stated that IC3 received 327,251 complaints from July 2008 to June 2009, which is an upturn of nearly 100,000 complaints from the former fiscal year when IC3 received 232,495 complaints. Hackers in the United States are a great threat to every organization in the continent including the Government. In November 2008, hackers by the names Pleshchuk, Tsurikov and Covelin illegally obtained access to the “RBS WorldPay,” the U.S. disbursement processing division of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, in Atlanta. They used classy techniques to get into the scheme and compromise data encryption that was used to safeguard customers’ data on payroll debit cards (Department of Justice Georgia 2010). In November the same year, an American credit card processor was broken into through one of the most sophisticated and organized fraud attack ever conducted.
In 1st October 2010, the universal law enforcement and FBI, in an extraordinary partnership interrupted an internationally planned and large scale cybercrime task active in a number of countries which occasioned in copious search warrants and arrests (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2010). The process started in May 2009 when FBI agents in Nebraska, Omaha got information to programmed clearinghouse (ACH) batch of payments to 46 dissimilar bank accounts in the U.S. The agents recognized the magnitude of the crime and collaborated with working groups, state, local and federal partners’ cybercrime taskforces and foreign police agencies in the U.K. Netherlands and Ukraine to bring justice to the respon...
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