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Criminal Justice Proposal Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

1) An introduction and contextualization of the topic you have chosen to examine. This section should also include a discussion of why you made the decision to choose that topic and how it relates to the study of the judicial system. Narrow down as much as possible your topic to make it easier for you to conduct the research (1 page or less).

2) Include at least two peer-reviewed articles regarding the topic/issue under analysis and write a literature review of these two academic sources (1 page or less for both sources). Make sure to cite these two sources correctly in the bibliography at the end of the paper.

3) Main body of content: Write a rich, detailed discussion of “what issues of criminal justice regarding the judicial branch or the criminal justice system” are you addressing and how you could solve and/or transform the problem under study. In this section, you need to clearly cite from the readings from class or other academic sources. You must give explicit arguments supported with data, facts, or evidence to back up your claims (2-3 pages).

4) A discussion of current policies which have been implemented (or how they could be implemented is they have not yet) to help solve the problem and/or transform/improve the context or institution where the issue takes place, if applicable (1-2 pages).

5) A discussion of your position on the issue(s). Provide an argument supporting your position (might want to ask how governments, organizations and individuals can better address the problem of (your topic) drawing on the knowledge of a justice perspective you have developed over the semester in this course. Here you should explain YOUR position and provide evidence (e.g. facts, data, information) to support your claims (1 page or less).

6) Finalize with a short conclusion of your arguments


the paper only has to be 2 pages, the document is only attached for the writer to pick their topic of choice, type-written and double-spaced, using 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman) and 1” margins. All papers must include a cover page with the following: your names, my name, the date and a title for the paper (cover page and references page are NOT to be counted toward your 5-6 pages). Your name and page number should be included on all subsequent pages. Must be in APA style format – be consistent throughout your paper. Submit a complete essay: no more than 6 pages of content, no less than 5. Paper with more or less pages than the limit will be penalized, adhere to the guidelines carefully.

Break down your paper in paragraphs to connect one idea with another within a flow to have a better organization. Do not write one-page long or very long paragraph because it is more difficult to read and follow up the narrative.

Use little or no in-text citations in the paper given its short length, paraphrase instead and give credit to authors. I want to hear you voice and contribution. Spelling, grammar, syntax and clarity will be assessed in addition to content. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!! It is recommended that you email and contact library personnel as part of this process if needed.

Citations/Quotations: When you use the ideas, arguments, phrases, language of others, you must always give credit where credit is due. Lack of a citation is considered plagiarism. Themes/Topics to explore:

Issues regarding due process Issues with jury selection

Racial disparities in the CJS Issues with the bailing system

Selection of judges (issues) Preventing wrongful convictions.

Confession evidence Assembly-line justice

Immigration courts (e.g. child separation) The problem(s) with plea bargaining

Disparity and discrimination in the CJS Public defenders vs. Court-appointed lawyers

Handling of domestic abuse cases in courts How to end mass incarceration.

Myths and realities about crime Prosecuting police misconduct.

Political influence in the judicial branch Courts and racial minorities

Judicial corruption Pretrial issues

Prosecutor’s office main issues Interpretation of search warrants-4th Amendment Stereotypes about offenders Racial profiling

Politization of the Supreme Court Racial disparities in sentencing

Drug offenders Diversity (or lack of) in the judicial system

The War on Drugs and courts Race and the Death Penalty

Drug courts Judicial review (issues)

The role of the media in high profile cases Specialized courts

Racial disparities in Juvenile courts Issues with judicial independence

This list is not exhaustive but descriptive only. Feel free to select any other topic related to the judicial branch or the criminal justice system (CJS) if you want to.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Criminal Justice Proposal
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
May 9, 2021
Understanding the different issues surrounding the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is essential for any individual. It allows him to participate in the general discussion regarding improving the provision of justice and preventing any injustices on every front. Accordingly, one of the persisting issues of the CJS in the United States is racial disparities in conviction and incarceration. This is because of the studies that explicitly show that men of color (i.e., African Americans) are more likely to be convicted and experience lengthier incarcerations compared to others. Understanding and addressing these racial would be the main focus of this paper.
Racial disparity in the CJS also exists in the process of conviction and incarceration. Although racial discrimination is more ‘apparent’ and ‘visible’ in police arrests, studies show that this issue also pervades in the trial process. In one of the reports given to the United Nations by The Sentencing Project (2018), it was shown that there is a 5.1% and 3.1% higher chance for African Americans and Hispanics to be convicted of a higher sentence relatively. Additionally, other studies regarding wrongful crime conviction also show that such wrongful convictions are more likely to happen to racial minorities in three specific cases, namely; (1) murder, (2) sexual assault, and (3) drug crimes CITATION Gro17 \l 1033 (Gross, Possley, & Stephens, 2017). These high-profile crimes then compound with the higher length of exonerations, thereby increasing the injustice that minorities face in the United States’ Criminal Justice System.
In line with the analysis, above the main content of this paper would be the conviction process ...
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