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Crime Prevention In Toronto

Essay Instructions:
Essay Topic: In your capacity as an expert on crime prevention in urban spaces, you have been approached by Mayor Rob Ford and the City of Toronto to help them solve the problem of neighbourhood disorder (behaviour that includes but is not limited to street prostitution, aggressive panhandling, graffiti, vandalism, and ‘squeegeeing'). There has been intense pressure from homeowners and business improvement associations to improve the quality of life particularly in public spaces in Toronto. The City has come to you quite excited by the results of the TAVIS initiative (see attached articles on TAVIS). The TAVIS initiative seems to have improved ‘quality of life' for residents in Toronto and the City of Toronto thinks that it may be a useful way to promote safe, healthy and orderly neighbourhoods. In order to assist the City and guide the Mayor in his effort, he would like you to prepare a position paper that consists of two main parts: Part one: How does the literature define and understand ‘disorder' and its relationship to neighbourhood fear and crime? In your analysis of the literature, would there be anything you would like to add concerning the notion of disorder and how it should be understood as a problem? Connected to this, you must also provide a critique of TAVIS as a way to promote order and improve the quality of life in urban spaces. Part two: Stemming from your discussion in part one, Mayor Rob Ford would like you to lay out for him, in a very clear and concise way, what ought to be the key components/elements of an initiative aimed at promoting ‘order' and ‘quality of life' in Toronto. You have been told that such an initiative must be community-based, inclusive and holistic. Thus, you are asked to spell out, in your opinion, what should be the objectives of this initiative as well as the institutions/agencies/individuals and strategies involved in it. What role should the police play in this crime prevention strategy? Discuss the barriers that may be involved to achieve this role and how you would overcome them. Support your argument using materials from lectures, the readings, and secondary sources. Discuss the role that the community will play in this crime prevention strategy. The essay assignment is designed to improve and assess your ability to critically evaluate a topic related to issues of ‘disorder' and its relationship to neighbourhood fear and crime and to critically evaluate the role of the police and the community in the specific crime prevention strategy(ies) that you will be advocating in your essay. In developing your answers, you must: - use the material cited in the annotated bibliography; - engage with some of the conceptual and critical ideas discussed in the course; - make use of outside readings in addition to class material; - include an explanation of the specific crime prevention strategy(ies) that you will be advocating to deal with issues of disorder and the role that the police and community will play in this strategy. - separate your essay into the following 4 sections: (1) Literature's view of disorder and its relationship to fear and crime (2) Add your own ideas concerning the notion of disorder and how it should be viewed as a problem (3) Summary and Criticisms of TAVIS (4) Community Crime Prevention Initiative(s) that you are proposing to promote ‘order' and ‘quality of life' in Toronto Look at the idea of tavis and talk about it. (I have attached 3 sources to incorporate with it) Thank you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student`s Name University Date Crime Prevention in Toronto Literature View The fear of crime refers to the fear of falling a victim of crime rather than actual involvement in crime (Hale, 1996). Scholars differentiate the fear of crime into thoughts and behavior about the personal risk of victimization, and public feelings. Fear of crime is rampant in most parts of the world, including the US. This essay focuses on the criminal situation in Toronto. Residents in Toronto often express their fear of crime and call for the deployment of more police offers in the area (Lamberti & Cherry, 2010). Criminal events often lead to disorder in a given environment. This often captures that attention of people in a way that no other event can. For this reason, the public devotes a considerable percentage of its attention to it. The end result is the emergence of worry in people`s minds, as they dread being victims of crime. There are various reasons why criminal activities generate acute public interest. First, instances of crime receive massive coverage in the media (Warr, 2000). Any crime, be it a shooting, muggings and rape cases among others receive instant attention from the media. Newspaper headlines, news bulletins and any other form of news dissemination highlight the events and spread them far and wide. Consequently, the public receive the news with trepidation, not knowing when they would fall victims to crime. Secondly, most criminal activities are actually frightening (Warr, 2000). There are cases of criminals shooting people, and even law enforcement officers, to death, horrifying rape ordeals and robberies with violence, among many others. Such criminal elements, at the very least, are frightening. Consequently, they cause fear into the minds of the general public. In Toronto, people constantly worry about crime. Some contend that criminals do not take holidays, and, therefore, are most likely to be available in summer to terrorize residents. This causes fear in this locality. Notion of Disorder Many scholars argue that a few Americans fall prey to victimization while violent attacks have declined over the past decade. Granted, Americans` fear of crime arises from the possibility of violent crime in their neighborhoods. The problem affecting most Americans is the obnoxious structural conditions that give rise to elements of disorder. Manifestations of disorder include graffiti, vandalism, prostitution and aggressive panhandling (Sampson & Raudenbush, 2004). There are other numerous socially undesirable conditions and behaviors that generate people`s fear of crime. Disorder entails many conditions and behavior (Farrall et al, 2007). Physical elements of disorder include dilapidated and abandoned buildings, litter in public spaces, vacant lots and unkempt yards among others. Social disorder encompasses sale and use of proscribed drugs, extreme alcoholism and public urination among others. Generally, disorder is an indication that a community is out of control. This is where the problem lies, not the crime itself. Disorder is a strong recipe to serious crime. This is because the presence of disorder in a given neighborhood is an indicator that this is a community that cannot control itself. Such an environment is likely to attract criminals, who will take refuge in the knowledge that there is no regulation in such a neighborhood. This causes fear among the residents of such neighborhoods. In addition, abandoned buildings and unkempt lots provide hiding places for criminals. Consequently, such places become dangerous at night or any other deserted hours. Disorder is, therefore, a bigger problem to Americans than the possibility of violent crime. This is mainly because disorder attracts crime. Disorder is a strong signal to both residents and criminals that there is a lapse in regulation in a given neighborhood. Criminals are likely to take advantage ...
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