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Crime Data Comparison

Essay Instructions:
Resource: Films on Demand - “Crime and Punishment” - “Experiment Research and Design” - “Selecting a Sample” Resource: Types of Crime videos in CJ Criminology - “Introduction to Crimes Kiosk” - “Defining and Measuring Crime” Resource: Criminology in the 21st Century - How Crimes are Measured Utilize FBI Uniform Crime Report data and select one offense, such as burglary, in two metropolitan areas. Choose metropolitan areas with different data. Write a 600- to 1,050-word paper comparing the occurrence of the offense in the selected areas. Identify the number of occurrences reported to the police for each area, and address the following questions: - Which area had more reported incidents? - What were the rates of the crime for each area? - Did the rates change over time in either area? - What factors might explain the differences in the rates? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Crime Data Comparison Name: Course: Instructor: Date: The two metropolitan areas selected include Kansas City with a population of more than one hundred and forty thousand people, and Chicago whose population was way over two million seven hundred thousand people. The crime under consideration is the number of robberies that were committed in the two areas in 2011 and 2012. Chicago reported more cases of robbery as compared to those that were committed in Kansas City. The direct factor that caused the significant difference in the robberies committed in the two areas is the population. Chicago has a massive population in comparison to that of Kansas City, which is more than time times less that of Chicago. The number of robberies committed in Chicago in 2011 and 2012 were six thousand two hundred and twenty nine and six thousand and seventy two respectively. On the other hand, the robberies committed in Kansas City in 2011 and 2012, were one hundred and thirty two, and one hundred and seventeen respectively. The two metropolitan areas experienced some slight decrease in the number of robberies recorded in 2012 in comparison to those of 2011. The robberies in Chicago for 2011 accounted for 5.03 of the total reported crimes. In 2012, the number of robberies in Chicago accounted for 5.07 percent of all the recorded criminal activities. The rate of robberies recorded in 2011 in Kansas City was 1.7 percent of the overall reported crimes. The rate for 2012 in Kansas City was 1.4 percent of the total number of crimes committed in the year. The above statistics indicate that although the number of robberies had decreased in Chicago, the percentage change had increased when compared to the total number of crimes that were reported in the area. A 0.04 percentage points marked the increase in robberies between the two years. This indicated that other crimes had declined considerably in comparison to the decrease in robberies. Robberies in Kansas City were si...
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