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Recent Criminal Case Assignment: Courtroom TV Paper

Essay Instructions:

Research the Internet and find a celebrated criminal prosecution case to analyze, such as a criminal case that received media attention. This case must have proceeded to trial; it cannot have been plea bargained or dismissed before the trial phase.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following questions:
Summarize the criminal procedures that occurred in this case, from arrest through appeal, if applicable.
What was the crime the defendant was alleged to have committed? What are the elements of that crime? Is there sufficient evidence to believe the defendant guilty of this crime beyond a reasonable doubt? Explain.
Identify the legal defenses used in this case. Explain what the defense entails and if it is viable.
Based on the evidence, should, or did, the defense apply to either exonerate the defendant or reduce his sentence?
Format your answers consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Recent Criminal Case
Recent Criminal Case
Criminal cases in the United States are numerous and do not receive much attention from the media and the world. There are, however, those that hit headlines, commanding the dailies’ pages from the time of their investigations to finalization. More interest arises on whether suspects will be freed or tried and if appeals will follow the court decisions. Amongst the cases that have gained much attention in the recent past, in Carolina is the shooting of an unarmed boy by the police. This was met by disgust and intolerance from the people. Here is an explanation of the details to their ending.
According to Nelson of NBC News (2016), Zackary Hammond, a nineteen year old boy was shot by the police during a drug trafficking investigations. There were claims that he had planned to run over the police upon seeing their lights. It emerged that the charge by the police was because of possession of marijuana, which his client was carrying (Nelson, 2016). The case against the police was then appealed thereby awarding the family a compensation of $ 2.1 million.
The civil case, later filed in the petition was between the police and city of Seneca. It is reported that at the time of the incident, the teen had a passenger in his car. The proof of the case came later when marijuana was found and traces of cocaine detected on the body (Nelson, 2016). The surprising thing was the inability of the prosecutor to admit that there was no point of offense to charge the police officer. No evidence was found at the preliminary stage of investigations. The failure was because the deceased did not submit to the officer who had instructed him to have his hands up had caused a change of events as Hammond drove away.
In the case, the defendant, who was the police officer, had become fearful for his life. Hammond failed to tore the line and respond to a call by the police to stop for a check. When driving away, it would have been easier for him to run over the police and kill him. In a self-defense move, the officer decided to kill him. Evidence later emerged when a video that had been gathered by the public and other installations were forwarded to a public relations company which accused the police officer of malpractice with his fire arm. The evidence convinced the prosecutor at the appeal courts that an offense had been committed. One factor of agreement was invocation of the Fifth Amendment to avoid personal incrimination that led to trial (Barrow & Rufo, 2014).
The strength of evidence was not fully evaluated. The officer did not prove the attempts to kill by Hammond. Driving away was just a way Hammond was trying to use to avoid being arrested. The police attempts would ...
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