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Combating Juvenile Delinquency

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Combating Juvenile Delinquency Due Week 7 and worth 120 points Use the Internet and Strayer databases(I will include two articles from Strayer's Library) to research your community’s(Newark, NJ) current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency through incarceration programs or other sanctions. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Identify at least two (2) juvenile delinquency reduction efforts / programs currently in operation in your community. Determine the main sociological theories that underlie these interventions that shape your community’s public policy for delinquency prevention. Propose one to two (1–2) ideas that you believe would improve your community’s juvenile delinquency prevention efforts. Justify the response with examples that illustrate your ideas being used successfully in other communities. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Differentiate between various theoretical explanations for delinquent behavior. Explicate the types of prevention programs that are likely to work with high-risk youngsters. Use technology and information resources to research issues in juvenile delinquency and justice. Write clearly and concisely about juvenile delinquency and justice using proper writing mechanics.


The Primary Factors that Characterize Effective Interventions with Juvenile Offenders: A Meta-Analytic Overview

Mark W. Lipsey

Peabody Research Institute, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Abstract: Previous meta-analyses have identified many effective interventions for reducing the recidivism of juvenile offenders and various program factors that are associated with the best outcomes. Most of that work has been focused on only one intervention area and thus has limited scope. Notable exceptions are two relatively comprehensive meta-analyses that have identified a small number of factors or principles that appear to characterize the most effective programs. This paper presents a new analysis of data from one of those meta-analyses designed to test a broader range of intervention factors in a manner that allows identification of both the general principles and the distinct intervention types associated with the greatest reductions in recidivism. Only three factors emerged as major correlates of program effectiveness: a "therapeutic" intervention philosophy, serving high risk offenders, and quality of implementation. With other variables statistically controlled, relatively few differences were found in the effectiveness of different types of therapeutic interventions.

Keywords: juvenile delinquency, rehabilitation, evaluation research, meta-analysis

Meta-analytic reviews of research on the effects of interventions with juvenile offenders have provided ample evidence that a rather broad range of such

The construction of the meta-analysis database on which the analyses in this paper are based was supported in part by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Russell Sage Foundation. Thanks to Paul Gendreau, James Howell, and Darin Carver for useful comments on this paper...

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Combating juvenile delinquency
Combating juvenile delinquency
Juvenile Delinquency describes kids that engage in criminal acts (James, 2008). The crimes range from petty ones like vandalism to serious ones such as murder. Children resolve to such acts as a result of their daily experiences. Difficult situations such as poverty, abuse and parental neglect are some of the greatest contributors to juvenile delinquency (UNICEF, 2003).
Current Juvenile Delinquency Reduction Efforts Programs
The best way to reduce crime is preventing it (Bartol & Bartol, 2011).Today in our community measures are being taken to prevent crime. Education is the main tool being used to reduce the rate of young offenders. Parents and children are being taught on the impacts of crime to the society and to their lives as well. Parents are equipped with knowledge on how to raise children who are mentally healthy, emotionally stable and physically fit. The effects of drugs, sex, crime, gangs and weapons are the major topics taught on these programs. Through education the kids are made aware of the consequences of these acts to them and their lives (Lipsey, 2009).
Another method used to prevent criminal acts among the youthful is the community rehabilitation programs. UNICEF in their article; World Youth Report, observes that most young offenders are not shown care and love when they have committed a crime. In most cases they are disowned by families. Parents also advise their kids to stay away from such kids (UNICEF, 2003). The community has programs which ensure that such children are taken care of. They are provided...
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