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Cognitive Restructuring Theory: Solving The Issue

Essay Instructions:

Tom is driving his brand-new sports car to work. He is very proud of his car because it took a long time to save for his down payment. While stopped at a four-way intersection, he was waiting to proceed into the intersection when another vehicle cut him off. 

This made him slam on his breaks, and he waited for the other person to go through the intersection. This behavior set off his anger, and he became irate and started yelling at the other driver. This was an automatic reaction on his part. The cognitive restructuring theory could teach him how to handle his excessive anger. 

Assignment Guidelines

Using the library, course materials, textbook, and Web resources, research the 4 steps in cognitive restructuring.

Address the following in 750–1,000 words:

What is the purpose of the cognitive restructuring theory? Explain.

How would the cognitive restructuring theory help Tom from the scenario above in handling his excessive anger? Explain.

What are the steps that he should take to control his anger? Explain and be specific.

Describe a situation that you were in where the cognitive restructuring theory could help.

Explain the situation using the 4 steps in cognitive restructuring.

If left unchecked, how could frequent outbursts of excessive anger eventually result in serious criminal or socially unacceptable behavior? Explain.

Use at least 3 scholarly sources to fully support your arguments.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cognitive Restructuring Theory
Student’s Name
Cognitive Restructuring Theory
Purpose of Cognitive Restructuring
Cognitive Restructuring plays a major role in helping patients gain control over their thoughts (Spirito, Esposito-Smythers, Wolff, & Uhl, 2011). The technique allows one to have a grip of their mindset hence combating negative thoughts about self. Since there is a one on one interaction with the psychotherapist, the victim is in a position to explain their situation, defend their action and later on get a better way of handling the situation. During the cognitive restructuring, one gets to learn that that their reaction to a circumstance influences the way they behave.
Cognitive restructuring can be effective in treating insomnia (Morin, Blais, & Savard, 2002). Insomnia stems from depression since individuals become what they think they are. The technique, if prescribed to willing and cooperative patients, will erase negative thoughts about the patients replacing them with positive thoughts thus improving the state of affairs.
It is prescribed alongside other medications in the management and control of several mental disorders, among them mood disorders, anorexia nervosa, and social phobia. Such mental disorders result from excessive negative thought. Curbing a negative view by replacing such with a positive view does the wonder.
Cognitive restructuring helps people with rage management issues. After taking up the reframing exercise, patients are able to cub over reactions. Each time they are upset, they sober up, calm down, establish the situation that got to their nerves, describe the mood, establish balanced thoughts then forge the way ahead.
How the Cognitive Restructuring Theory Would Help Tom
The Cognitive Restructuring Theory states that thoughtful consideration drives expressive response (Greenberger, Dennis and Christine Padersky, 2015). One’s reaction towards a certain circumstance is directly influenced by the series of thoughts that runs through their mind when they experience a situation. Cognitive restructuring theory would help Tom by calming him down, establishing his thoughts about the other driver, helping him analyze his moods, identify fair and balanced thoughts and resolve the matter in a sober manner. This would really boost his anger management skills.
Steps he should take to Control his Anger
Cognitive Restructuring can help Tom manage his anger. The following steps can help Tom in the process of managing his anger.
Calming down and identifying the circumstance he is in. Tom can take a deep breath and meditate for a moment about the situation he is. This will help him become aware and recollect himself as well.
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