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Child Abuse Legislation Changes

Essay Instructions:

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I’m choosing the case of Victoria Climbie and Baby P

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Safeguarding and Managing Risk Across the Lifecourse - EssayAssessment Pack contents:Short introduction to the task.Key termsKey resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteriaVideo to explain it.

Short introduction to the task:Assignment 2 An Essay of 2,000 words (representing 50% of the module mark) Submission date Essay Title- Relate TWO high profile child abuse cases in relation to developments and changes to current law and policy.   
High profile cases you should choose from that have led to changes in policy and legislation include:
Key terms:Safeguarding: promoting the welfare of all children and protecting them from harmWelfare: health and happinessChanges in legislation and policy: Amendments and improvements to practice
Key Resources: 
Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman: Changes in legislation include DBS checks

Public Inquiry: Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman | Virtual College (virtual-college.co.uk)Victoria Climbe: Led to Lord Lamings Report and Childrens Act 2004An overview of child protection legislation in England (parliament.uk)Baby P: Lord Lamings Report and Childrens Act 2004The impact of the Baby Peter case on applications for care orders (nfer.ac.uk)Daniel Pelka: Daniels Law| Protect children like Daniel Pelka (danielslaw.co.uk)
Template:Introduction (300 words): 1. Define child abuseWhy it is important to identify – look at cause and preventionOr Statistics to show how prevalent abuse of a child isOr why it is important to understand the risks to a child2. Refer to the legislation in assessment 1 (the legislation you covered in the presentation)List the 4 covered IN THE POWERPOINTExplain why legislation has changed over time – because of high profile cases3. Identify the two high profile child abuse cases you will focus on in the main body of the essayIntroduce the fact “2 high profiles cases have been chosen to identify the subsequent changes in law. State the two cases (name of child, age, location, year it occurred)(don’t describe the abuse in the intro, save to main body)
Main Body: Case 1 : Insert name of child here  1.Brief overview of the case as published in the media (150 words)Choose 2 articles and use them simply state what happened. “the bbc in June 2014 reported……… he was starvedIn that same week the Coventry gazette also reported…… (what else did they report, extra information)Analyse the main points in the story for example. The BBC article clearly emphasise the inadequate role of professionals to support the child because they report that he was ‘invisible to professionals’. Whereas the focus of the Coventry newspaper was the cruelty inflicted by his own parents. 
2.Key events in the case  (150 words)DON’T REPEAT WHAT YOU HAVE ALREAD SAID ABOUT THE CASE.To summarise key events, focus on the type of abuse, the timeline and service involvement“a key event in this case was (type of abuse)The abuse started when….. and the length of time it went on forAnother key event to highlight – when services were involved/ when should they have been involved 

KEY SECTION 3.How the case relates to the big picture of safeguarding and child protection: lessons learnt (200 words)1. Discuss the relevance of the case to the ‘big picture’ of child protection/ safeguarding (how it relates to protecting all children, at a prevention stage and improving outcomes) in the UK. What happened as a result of this case? What actions did it lead to, if any?Explain what you mean by the bigger picture for example “The bigger picture of child protection and safeguarding relates to needs of all children, how to prevent abuse and effectively manage any cases to ensure positive outcomes”
How do the recommendations enable prevention and relate to all children – 
How do the recommendations relate to role of services  to protect all children: what could be the challenges
How should future cases be managed  to protect all children
KEY SECTION 4.Changes in policy and law due to this tragedy (250 words)
What does policy and legislation involve now since the case. Make sure they are changes linked to this case.

Case 2 :  Insert name of child here 1.Brief overview of the case as published in the media (150 words)Choose 2 articles and use them simply state what happened. “the bbc in June 2014 reported……… he was starvedIn that same week the Coventry gazette also reported…… (what else did they report, extra information)Analyse the main points in the story for example. The BBC article clearly emphasise the inadequate role of professionals to support the child because they report that he was ‘invisible to professionals’. Whereas the focus of the Coventry newspaper was the cruelty inflicted by his own parents. 
2.Key events in the case (150 words)DON’T REPEAT WHAT YOU HAVE ALREAD SAID ABOUT THE CASE.To summarise key events, focus on the type of abuse, the timeline and service involvement“a key event in this case was (type of abuse)The abuse started when….. and the length of time it went on forAnother key event to highlight – when services were involved/ when should they have been involved 
KEY SECTION 3.How the case relates to the big picture of safeguarding and child protection: lessons learnt (200 words)2. Discuss the relevance of the case to the ‘big picture’ of child protection/ safeguarding (how it relates to protecting all children, at a prevention stage and improving outcomes) in the UK. What happened as a result of this case? What actions did it lead to, if any?Explain what you mean by the bigger picture for example “The bigger picture of child protection and safeguarding relates to needs of all children, how to prevent abuse and effectively manage any cases to ensure positive outcomes”
How do the recommendations enable prevention and relate to all children – 
How do the recommendations relate to role of services  to protect all children: what could be the challenges
How should future cases be managed  to protect all children
KEY SECTION 4.Changes in policy and law due to this tragedy (250 words)
What does policy and legislation involve now since the case. Make sure they are changes linked to this case.
CONCLUSION (200 words): Highlight the main changes in practice that made the biggest difference to safeguarding.
Rubric used to mark:62, 65,68Well done on your first submission of this assignment. The information below sets out examples of how your work has met the marking criteria and gives suggestions for the future. Please take the time to read through all the commentsKnowledge and UnderstandingYou have evidenced a secure (solid) understanding of the case and the changes to legislation. For example differentiating….You have provided a reasonable application of changes in practice for each case. For example, detailing…Structure, ArgumentThey are well focused on key features of the case, making clear connections with evidence and differentiation between examples. For example…….There are clear connections between changes to legislation and practice, articulated with clear direction. For example……Strong Analysis and ConclusionsSome general conclusions are drawn about the impact and differences in each case. For example…….There was strong analysis of changes in legislation and practice with salient examples detailed. For example….Sources & Evidence, Adherence to ReferencingRelevant sources have been used to support claims. For example….Evidence has been used effectively to support claims. For exampleReferences: The format is consistent and accurate In future1.2. 

Well done on your first submission of this assignment. The information below sets out examples of how your work has met the marking criteria and gives suggestions for the future. Please take the time to read through all the commentsKnowledge and UnderstandingYou have evidenced a sound (majority) understanding of the case and the changes to legislation. For example differentiating….You have provided a relevant application of changes in practice for each case. For example, detailing…Structure, ArgumentIt has some focus on key features of the case, making clear connections with evidence and differentiation between examples. For example…….There are some connections between changes to legislation and practice, articulated with clear direction. For example……Strong Analysis and ConclusionsSome conclusions are drawn about the impact and differences in each case. For example…….There are some analysis of changes in legislation and practice with salient examples detailed. For example….Sources & Evidence, Adherence to ReferencingSimple use of sources have been used to support claims. For example….Largely consistent evidence has been used effectively to support claims. For exampleReferences: The format is largely consistent and accurateIn future1.2.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child Abuse Legislation Changes
Child Abuse Legislation Changes
XGBCYP4212 is a program that concentrates on the protection and administration of hazards throughout one's life. Its purpose is to provide people with the essential comprehension and abilities to recognize, evaluate, and regulate potential hazards that could impact individuals during different life phases. The program encompasses subjects like risk evaluation, strategies for hazard management, policies and procedures for protection, and statutory frameworks that support the practice of safeguarding. This program is pertinent for experts who work in healthcare and social welfare domains, as well as those employed in education and law enforcement
Child abuse is a major problem worldwide that has captured significant attention over the years. Governments have evaluated and revised their laws and policies in response to widely publicized cases of child abuse and neglect to ensure the protection and well-being of children. This essay will examine two such cases, the Victoria Climbié case, and the Baby P case, and how they have influenced changes in current law and policy. This essay will begin by providing an overview of the two cases and their outcomes. The essay will examine how the cases have influenced the evolution of current law and policy, such as the Children Act 2004 and the Munro Review. Furthermore, it will scrutinize the efficacy of these policies and their effect on child protection in the UK.
The Victoria Climbié case is one of the most infamous instances of child abuse in the UK. The case involved an 8-year-old girl named Victoria, who was subjected to abuse and neglect by her aunt, Marie-Thérèse Kouao, and her partner, Carl Manning. Victoria tragically died in February 2000 as a result of the abuse. The case revealed significant deficiencies in the child protection system, including the inability of social workers, healthcare professionals, and the police to adequately protect Victoria from harm (Laming, 2003).
As a result of the public uproar that followed Victoria's death, Lord Laming headed a public inquiry. The investigation found numerous deficiencies in the child protection system, resulting in several proposals, such as creating a national database to document information about children in danger and appointing a children's commissioner to advocate for children's perspectives and interests (Laming, 2003).
The case of Victoria Climbié resulted in substantial alterations to policy and laws. One such change was the implementation of the Children Act 2004, which created a structure for providing children's services in England and Wales. This Act imposed an obligation on local authorities to collaborate with other organizations to advance the well-being of children and to prioritize the child's best interests when making decisions (UK Parliament, 2004).
In the UK, the Baby P case is another notorious instance of child abuse. Peter Connelly, whose true identity was kept hidden, died at 17 months old in August 2007 due to months of neglect and abuse by his mother, her partner, and their lodger. According to Laming (2009), the case exposed similar shortcomings in the child protection system, as healthcare professionals and social workers failed to recognize signs of mistreatment and neglect, and did not take appropriate measures to protect Peter.
As a result of the Baby P case, a public inquiry headed by Lord Laming was conducted, which proposed numerous suggestions to enhance child protection services. The investigation emphasized the requirement for greater accountability and leadership in children's services, along with increased training and support for social workers (Laming, 2009).
The Baby P case led to substantial changes in policy and legislation. In 2011, the Munro Review suggested a complete overhaul of the child protection system. The review recommended reducing bureaucracy and paperwork and placing more emphasis on professional judgment and decision-making. The review also recommended increasing social workers' independence and ensuring that the child's views are more effectively taken into account in decision-making (Munro, 2011).
In conclusion, safeguarding the welfare of children is a critical concern that necessitates immediate attention and action. The cases of Victoria Climbié and Baby P played a crucial role in triggering changes to existing laws and policies in the UK, highlighting major shortcomings within the child protection system. In response, policies such as the Children Act 2004 and the Munro Review were introduced to enhance child protection and promote the well-being of children. However, the effectiveness of these policies in preventing child abuse and neglect continues to be a subject of debate. It is necessary to consistently evaluate and revise policies and laws to guarantee their effectiveness in safeguarding children. The heart-wrenching accounts of Victoria Climbié and Baby P should continue to remind us of the significance of shielding vulnerable children and the necessity of persistent endeavours to improve the child protection system.
To sum up, addressing child abuse is a critical issue that necessitates immediate attention and action. The cases of Victoria Climbié and Baby P brought to light significant inadequacies within the UK's child protection system, which led to the creation of policies such as the Children Act 2004 and the Munro Review. Nonetheless, there is still uncertainty about the efficacy of these policies in safeguarding children. It is vital to continuously evaluate and update policies and laws to ensure their effectiveness in protecting children from harm. The tragic experiences of Victoria Climbié and Baby P should serve as a constant reminder of the importance of protecting vulnerable children and the obligation to continuously improve the child protection system.
Finally, it is vital to prioritize and promptly address the safety and well-being of children. The cases of Victoria Climbié and Baby P exposed substantial deficiencies in the child protection system in the UK. Consequently, policies such as the Children Act 2004 and the Munro Review were introduced to address these issues. Nevertheless, there is still ongoing debate about the effectiveness of these policies in safeguarding children against abuse and neglect. It is crucial to continuously evaluate and revise policies and laws to ensure their effectiveness in safeguarding children. The tragic stories of Victoria Climbié and Baby P serve as a poignant reminder of the need to protect vulnerable children and the responsibility to work tirelessly towards improving the child protection system.
Looking ahead, we must continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of children and strive to establish a child protection system that is both effective and accountable. To achieve this, we must continually assess and review existing policies and procedures, as well as allocate resources towards education and training for social workers and other professionals who work with children.
In the end, only by sustained dedication and determination can we develop a society in which every child is sheltered from harm and neglect. The Victoria Climbié and Baby P cases serve as potent reminders of the importance of being watchful and taking action to safeguard our most vulnerable members. We must remain vigilant in our efforts to establish a safer and more equitable world for all children.
Child abuse, which includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect, is deliberate harm or mistreatment of children under 18 years of age. It negatively affects children's health and happiness, making it vital to identify and prevent such abuse. Consequently, policies and procedures should be established to safeguard children's welfare and shield them from harm (World Health Organization, 2016).
This paper will refer to the Children Act 1989, Children Act 2004, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018, and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019 (as discussed in assessment 1). Legislation has evolved in response to prominent cases of child abuse that have uncovered shortcomings in the system and highlighted the necessity for enhancements (Buckley et al., 2020).
The UK's child protection system was brought to attention by two well-known cases: Victoria Climbie and Baby P. Victoria Climbie was an 8-year-old girl who died in London in 2000, while Baby P was a 17-month-old boy who died in 2007 in Haringey, London. These two tragic incidents led to numerous policy and legislative changes aimed at enhancing the child protection system in the UK
A brief overview of the case
In June 2014, the BBC reported that Peter, a young boy, had been starved to death by his mother and her boyfriend in 2007. Despite being seen by health workers, social workers, and police officers before his death, Peter was "invisible to professionals". The Coventry...
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