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The Case of Tony and William. Law Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

500 Words [Use Case Study on Page 55 A & B]. Assume that you are part of a committee that evaluates medical parole prisoners with various documented medical diagnoses. A prisoner has met the minimum requirement on time served for parole, but your job is to determine, based on two factors, whether he or she should be released early on medical parole while still remaining under community supervision: 1:That he or she is no longer a risk to public safety if released into the community. 2: That he or she has a verifiable terminal medical condition or a permanent medical condition that could be treated less expensively in a community treatment facility instead of a prison. In your evaluation explain the concept of medical parole and discuss the pros and cons of releasing offenders due to medical conditions.


• These assignments must be typed, double-spaced, written in a 12-point font. Cover page, Reference page, 1 inch margin,

• You must be sure to properly cite sources that you used. (intext citation)

• You must provide a reference page for sources used.

• At least One academic source must be use: Book, Journal Article

• Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If plagiarism is indicated on your writing assignment you will receive an automatic 0 on that writing assignment. Further sanctions can also be taken by the college. Please see your Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further information on Academic Dishonesty.

Case A: Tony, Terminal illness and for murder

Tony has served 40 years in prison for highly publicized murder case that he committed when he was 20 years old. He has been a model inmate, compiling few disciplinary reports while incarcerated. he was a clerk in the law library until about five years ago, when he had to quit his job because he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The tumor was a cancerous so he received chemotherapy and radiation for two years, but that didn’t completely stop the cancer from spreading throughout his body. Now age of 62 Tony is bedridden, breathes eats through a tube, and takes pain medication to ease his suffering. He has been deemed not to be a danger to anyone. It cost the State $ 1.000 per day just to keep Tony locked up, whereas a community hospice could provide the same medical care for $ 500 per day. However his case was a high profile murder case, and the victim’s survivor said they will never forgive Tony, nor will they up fighting for him to stay in prison until he dies, no matter what the cost.

Case B: William, Elderly and in Prison for motor and vehicle theft endangerment

William a career criminal has a long rap sheet consisting of at least five felony crimes and over two dozen misdemeanors, mostly drug related and property offenses. In his life he has spent more time institutionalized than out in the free world. He was arrested on his latest felony when he was 60 years ago. Although he pleaded guilty to motor vehicle theft, he said that he mistook the car for his own and he did not mean to steal it, his eyesight was bad. Now at age 75 he has severed 15 years out of his 20 year sentence and is ready to turn over a new leaf. William is tired of institution his health is not what it used to be. He does not have a terminal illness, but he is diabetic and has heart problems, due to his diabetes, William left foot was amputated and he is blind in one eye. He is not capable of working but he can get around pretty well in a wheelchair. Given that he was insured and suffer no serious losses, the victim in the case has no problem with Williams’s release.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Studies
Author Name
University Name
In the United States, somewhere between three million to four million men and women in prisons are reportedly suffering from diseases like depression, anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. As a member of the committee that evaluates medical parole prisoners with multiple documented medical diagnoses, it is my responsibility to determine whether the offender should be released on medical parole or not (1975).
The decision will be taken based on two factors: if the offender is no longer a threat to public safety and can be entered into the community without any issue, and if he has a verifiable medical condition that could not be treated in prison and needs the attention of high-profile doctors and nurses (1978).
The Case of Tony
In the case of Tony, I know that he has spent nearly 40 years in prison, but his behavior during this period has been satisfactory. He worked as a clerk in the law library for five years, but now he is diagnosed with a brain tumor. I strongly believe that he should be admitted to the hospital since his condition is very critical. Moreover, the government has to spend $1000 per day on his radiation and chemotherapy, and by sending him to the hospital, Tony will cost them only $500 per day regarding treatment and medications. However, before sending him to the hospital, it is essential to take the victim’s family into confidence; it looks like they will not agree with my decision, but by releasing the offender, his life could b...
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