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Bobby Knight Case on Contract Termination Research

Essay Instructions:

Research two (2) articles discussing the probation and ultimate firing of former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight. Write a 2-3 page (500-750 words) paper discussing why the University took the action it did, including a discussion of agency law, potential liability and the rights of Coach Knight with regard to his employment contract. In addition, include a discussion of the Christian approach to employer/employee relations.

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Bobby Knight Case on Contract Termination
Bobby Knight Case on Contract Termination
Bobby Knight was a basketball coach for the Indiana basketball team. He brought victories for the team including a win in the NCAA championships. Being a young man, he became renowned because of his talents in coaching. After winning the long ten histories, his reputation did not last for long as allegations incidences that dragged is good name into drains.
Bobby’s first unfortunate incident that dragged his name was the breaking of a chair when the Indiana team lost to Purdue. He demonstrated disappointment by throwing away a chair in an unacceptable manner and place within the playing grounds. A coach of any caliber is expected by law to observe reverence, in every game and place their teams play. The following year, he disobeyed the same rule by kicking a megaphone when his team received a technical foul while playing against Illinois. His misconduct spread to other players when he head-butted one on the pitch and screamed to him. Later, the blows continued, and by 2000, he had the worst, of claiming that a student called him by his first name. He grabbed the freshman student from Indiana by the arm and claimed that there was much disrespect (Bloomington,n.d.).
The 2000 incident and his increasing length of mishaps led to the loss of his job. The university terminated his contract claiming that they had zero-tolerance to the kind of behavior that Bobby Knight was displaying. Additionally, the university president noted that his display of bad behavior in public and disregard to rules that got him fired(John,2010).
In 2002, Knight filed a lawsuit against the Indiana University of “wrongful termination.” He claimed that the school owed him $2 million dollars after firing him before the end of his contract. In such a case, he added that chance to defend himself was not granted by the University. The lawsuit did not go his way as the judge sided with Indiana University. The university’s attorney ...
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