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Assignment 3: The Big Stage! Put yourself in the role of a prosecutor

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3: The Big Stage!

Due Week 10 and worth 200 points

In the United States, both the federal government and the states have authority to indict for criminal wrongdoing. The federal government and each state have their own criminal statutes, court system, prosecutors, and police agencies. Use your textbook, the Internet, and/or Strayer University Online Library (https://research(dot)strayer(dot)edu) to research articles from within the past three years on crime trial, prosecutor, and criminal investigator.

Write a 4- to 5-page paper in which you:

1.Put yourself in the role of a prosecutor and explain the importance of the final report to the prosecution of a case. Further, analyze the possible impact of poorly completed final reports on the prosecution of a case.

2.Review Figure 21.1, The Use of Evidence in the Stages of the Criminal Justice Process, in Chapter 21 of the text and specify the manner in which each stage of the criminal justice process helps to build a successfully litigated action. Provide a rationale to support the response.

3.Identify the three areas that Detective Richard Gautsch, a seasoned investigator, recommends an investigator focus on when giving courtroom testimony and discuss the importance of each area. Next, define a criminal investigator's role in preparing a case for court. Analyze the manner in which the investigator cooperates with the prosecutor to enhance the courtroom presentation.

4.Differentiate not guilty and acquitted. Give your opinion as to whether or not a not guilty verdict means that the investigator failed. Support the position.

5.Predict one to two changes that will take place in criminal investigation in the next twenty years. Provide a rationale to support the response.

Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar types of websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe the major components of and responsibilities involved in the investigative process.

Recommend improvements to the criminal investigation process in selected areas.

Predict changes that will take place in criminal investigation in the next twenty (20) years.

Evaluate the role of the criminal investigator in preparing evidence for presentation and courtroom testimony.

Use technology and information resources to conduct research in the criminal investigation process.

Write clearly and concisely about the criminal investigation process using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Big Stage
Author`s Name
Institution Affiliation
Put yourself in the role of a prosecutor and explain the importance of the final report to the prosecution of a case. Further, analyzing the possible impact of poorly completed final reports on the prosecution of a case.
During the investigation of a criminal case, the final report helps determine factors that contribute to the core problem. It needs to be completed carefully and should be based on the facts of the case. It must include the names and addresses of those who have acted as witnesses or can support evidence along with the criminal history of the person charged. It also needs to have information regarding the types of proofs that have been collected from the crime scene. As a prosecutor, I understand that the final reports can be of help when it comes to solving the case perfectly and promptly. In the final report, I would like to include information about the chronological account of the crime along with subsequent investigation (Orthmann et al. 2013). It basically consists of a couple of parts: the complaint, the name of the person who submitted the complain, details of the preliminary investigation, follow-up report, statements of witnesses, confessions, admissions, photographs collected from the crime scene, laboratory report details a summary of the entire case, drawings and sketches. It is integral for any prosecutor to maintain the quality of the report, as he acts as the most powerful and effective official in the criminal justice system. As a prosecutor, I am responsible for legal proceedings and have to represent my state before the entire world by seeking justice in all circumstances. A poorly constructed report may cause problems when the case is brought to the court, and the decision may get seriously impacted. The chance is that the criminal will be released because of the absence of appropriate evidence against him. Thus, a prosecutor has to investigate the case thoroughly once the charges have been filed, and he should use evidence and testimonies wisely in order to convince the judge and jury about the suspect’s guilt. A well-written and accurate report can lead an offender to plead guilty. The chance is that he will accept the plea bargain without going through any trial.
Review Figure 21.1 “The Use of Evidence in the Stages of the Criminal Justice Process” in Chapter 21 of the text and specify how each stage of the criminal justice process helps to build a successfully litigated action. Provide a rationale to support your response.
It is safe to say that the criminal justice process remains incomplete if we do not take care of its stages and do not follow them carefully and properly. In figure 21.1, the stages of the criminal justice process have been described in detail, and this reveals that the first stage is the investigative stage. This is the stage in which the prosecutor has to look at both circumstantial and direct evidence before presenting a report. In some situations, an arrest can be made by the accuracy of his report. The next stage is regarded as the charging stage. This is the stage in which the prosecutor has to determine whether to assign criminal charges to the suspect or not. He also evaluates the situation under which such charges may look appropriate to be assigned. It is the responsibility of the prosecutor to refuse the charges if he sees that they are not suitable or are out of context. The third and one of the most significant stages in the discovery and motion stage. In this stage, the initial hearing is done in which the defendant is provided with a chance to know more about his rights. He is also kept aware of the charges that have been put agai...
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