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Biblical World View Assigment

Essay Instructions:
OVERVIEW For the Biblical Worldview Assignment in this course, you are to write a short essay that critically applies a Christian worldview to a philosophy of Strategic Intelligence. This would include an examination of how a Biblical worldview should be internalized and expressed in the life of a criminal justice professional who is a Christian believer in Christ. INSTRUCTIONS Organize and format your paper according to current APA style, and cite your references as you would in current APA style. If you need assistance with how to apply citations properly, please consult the corresponding section in your APA manual. After a coversheet, you will write a 3-page essay. You should discuss all of the following in your paper: • Describe the overall philosophy of a Biblical worldview on the criminal justice professional. • Constructively integrate the Biblical worldview into a philosophy of Strategic Intelligence. • Provide a Bibliography of the sources you cite. You MUST include or discuss the following items: • Scripture MUST be used heavily throughout the paper to support your claims! • The question that should be answered clearly in your paper is: o “How does a Christian perspective influence the actions of a criminal justice professional when applying Strategic Intelligence practices?” • Your paper MUST contain at least three (3) scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and the Bible. • Again, your paper must use current APA format in the following items: running head, page numbers, title page, spacing, indentions, margins, and headings. “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18, English Standard Version) Review the Biblical Worldview Grading Rubric to see how the assignment will be evaluated. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. After you complete your Biblical Worldview Assignment, you should submit your assignment to the Biblical Worldview Draft Submission Assignment to check your Turnitin report and make any adjustments prior to your final submission. After reviewing your Turnitin results, make any edits necessary to your Biblical Worldview Assignment prior to submitting for a grade.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Does a Christian Perspective Influence the Actions of a Criminal Justice Professional When Applying Strategic Intelligence Practices? Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Strategic intelligence is needed to form policies and military plans in national and international administrations. Christians believe that the Bible is their living manual, and everything they do or say must be informed by Biblical teachings. Strategic intelligence professionals are tasked to examine crime patterns and trends for certain illegal activities like drug trafficking and terrorism. The information gathered by these professionals is used for planning and making national security decisions. Criminal justice professionals can rely on the Bible to guide their actions and behaviors. This paper will discuss how a Christian perspective influences a criminal justice professional’s action in strategic intelligence. It discusses the biblical worldview philosophy concerning criminal justice professionals and integrates such a worldview into strategic intelligence philosophy. Biblical Worldviews in the Criminal Justice Profession Criminal justice professionals undergo many challenges in the line of duty. Their daily operations revolve around maintaining law and order, investigating crime, and ensuring the safety of citizens (Paiuc et al., 2024). The roles of criminal justice professionals are echoed in Romans 13:4, which encourages individuals to respect authority and avoid wrongdoings. In their careers, criminal justice professionals need wisdom, and James 1:5 states that God is a generous giver of wisdom to those who ask for it. Criminal justice officers should also maintain high levels of integrity in the line of duty. Proverbs 10:9 encourages criminal justice professionals to choose the path of integrity and be secure in all their whereabouts. Integrity involves upholding ethics and working with the legal scope of their roles (King James Bible, 2019). The Biblical teachings have very good lessons that are useful in the career of a criminal justice professional. However, Christian principles are not entirely accepted and applied in secular governments, and these officers will find it difficult always to uphold these principles in the face of criticism. Some toxic workplace cultures in law enforcement agencies distract these officers in their quest for a Christian life. Colossians 2:8 encourages Christians not to adhere to deceptive philosophies based on elemental spiritual forces and contemporary human traditions (King James Bible, 2019). Criminal justice professionals should stick to Biblical principles even in the face of te...
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