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Gun Show Episode. Law Research Paper Essay Assignment

Essay Instructions:

POL 102.03: ASSIGNMENT 3 CIVIL LIBERTIES AND CIVIL RIGHTS DUE: 5PM SUNDAY FEBRUARY 17 2019 Please complete the following assignment and upload it to Blackboard (under the Assignments tab) by 5pm on Sunday February 17. You should make sure to save a copy for your own records. If you have questions about the assignment, please email the instructor by 5pm on Friday night so there is sufficient time for the email to be seen and for the instructor to respond. You may type/write your answers in the spaces below, or you may create your own new document (e.g. Google Doc, PDF document, Pages etc. are all fine). TASK: Listen the Gun Show episode from the More Perfect Podcast and answer the questions below. The podcast can be found at the following link: https://www(dot)wnycstudios(dot)org/story/gun-show. Do not write more than a paragraph answer for each question. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the second amendment and why do people find it so confusing to interpret? What is the key point of contention? 2. What happened during the civil rights movement with the Black Panthers that pushed the 2nd amendment into the national spotlight? What did the Black Panthers do? What did the state of California do to respond? 3. What was the response of the rural Whites to the new California law restricting gun rights? Why were they upset? 4. What happened at the NRA convention of 1977? Why was this a key moment in the gun rights debate? What was the NRA like before this convention and what happened to it after? 5. What was the importance of the District of Columbia vs Heller Supreme Court Case in 2008? What decision was made? What did the decision say about States abilities to regulate guns? 6. In your opinion, based on what we learned in class and on this podcast episode, do you think the debate about the 2nd amendment will ever be resolved? Why/why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gun show episode
1. What is the second amendment and why do people find it so confusing to interpret? What is the key point of contention?
The second amendment states that. "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Individuals find it hard to interpret whether the right belongs to every American citizen or Not. The bone of contention id the proper definition of the phrase Militia.
2. What happened during the civil rights movement with the Black Panthers that pushed the 2nd amendment into the national spotlight? What did the Black Panthers do? What did the state of California do to respond?
The black panthers protested outside the California statehouse armed with different types of loaded guns claiming that black people also had the full rights to own firearms and protect themselves. Consequently, the State of California responded by enacting among the strictest gun control regulations in the United States.
3. What was the response of the rural Whites to the new California law restricting gun rights? Why were they upset?
The rural whites were not happy with the laws and greatly objected the enactment. They were upset because they felt they were discriminated and...
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