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A bill to authorize the honorary appointment of Robert J. Dole

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the following assignment and upload it to Blackboard (under the Assignments tab) by 5pm on Sunday April 7. You should make sure to save a copy for your own records. If you have questions about the assignment, please email the instructor by 5pm on Friday night so there is sufficient time for the email to be seen and for the instructor to respond. You may type/write your answers in the spaces below, or you may create your own new document (e.g. Google Doc, PDF document, Pages etc. are all fine).

Most people know very little about what is happening in Congress. Usually a small number of bills get all of the media attention. For this assignment, go to the official Congress website congress.gov. This site allows you to look at what bills are currently in Congress, it allows you to track certain bills, and you can look up the voting records of your representatives to see how they are voting. If you click the link below, it will take you to the page of congress.gov which shows all recent legislation that has made it to the President’s desk, for him to either sign into law or to veto. These are all the bills that have made it through Congress.

Pick any TWO Bill’s on this page and answer the following questions for each Bill.

What is the name of the Bill and what is it about? That is, provide a short description of the new law. 
Who sponsored the Bill - was it a Republican, Democrat, or Independent? Are they a member of the House or the Senate? 
Look at the cosponsors of the Bill. How many are there? Are the cosponsors all from one Party or are there a mix of Republican and Democrat cosponsors? 
Was the Bill first introduced to the House or the Senate? 
Look at the Bill Tracker-what steps were taken to get the Bill into law? e.g. was it just introduced to the House then the Senate then sent directly to the President or did amendments have to be made? 
Did the Bill become law? That is, did the President sign the Bill or did he veto it? 
Looking at the timeline, do you think the Bill took a long time from first introduction to becoming law, or did it go through quickly? If it took a long time, why do you think that is? Conversely, if it was quick, what about it do you think made it easy to pass?

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Assignment 7


Bill 1         

  1. The bill is known as “A bill to authorize the honorary appointment of Robert J. Dole to the grade of colonel in the regular Army” (CongressGov, 2019). This Bill proposes the appointing of Robert J. Dole from Kansas to an honorary colonel grade in the regular Army. It was tabled in the Senate on 29th January, 2019 by Senator Pat Roberts. It was read twice before being passed to the Committee on the Armed Forces (GovTrack.us, 2019). The new law allows Robert J. Dole to be appointed with an honorary colonel grade in the Army.

  2. This Bill was sponsored by Senator Pat Roberts, a Republican and was a member of the Senate (GovTrack.us, 2019).

  3. There was only one cosponsor of this Bill known as Senator Moran Jerry, and was a Republican

  4. The Bill was first introduced in the Senate.

  5. The Bill Tracker indicates that it was first introduced. It was then passed to the Senate, to the House, to the President and finally passed to a law (GovTrack.us, 2019).

  6. Yes, this Bill became a law through the signing by the President

  7. From the introduction to becoming a law, this Bill did not take a long time because it took approximately two months. The passing was made easier since it did not get any...
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