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Assignment 2: International Crime Witness, Part 1

Essay Instructions:

Please write the paper according to writing standards attached.

Use the Internet to research criminal proceedings in one (1) of the six (6) model countries from the textbook.

The six model countries are:

England, France, Germany, Japan, China, and Saudi Arabia.

Imagine you are traveling abroad in your chosen country when you witness a local national committing a violent assault. The criminal is arrested and charged by the police.

Upon returning to the United States, a professor in one of your criminal justice classes asks you to complete a written report on your experience.

Write a three (3) page paper in which you:

Determine the pertinent demographic, social, political, and economic factors about your chosen country.

Examine the manner in which your chosen country’s criminal code would likely view the crime you witnessed. Provide a rationale for the response.

Choose two (2) individual rights that the United States grants criminal suspects, such as search and seizure, right to counsel, etc., and analyze the country’s perspective on each right. Provide support for the analysis.

Investigate the manner in which the police in your chosen country would likely treat the defendant. Provide justification for the response.

Classify the fundamental similarities and differences between the police culture in your chosen country compared to the United States.

Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Compare and contrast American perspectives on criminal law with those of other countries.

Evaluate the nature of comparative policing and global law enforcement cooperation.

Analyze the role of procedural law in the four (4) major legal traditions.

Use technology and information resources to research comparative perspectives in criminal justice.

Write clearly and concisely about criminal justice topics using proper writing mechanics and SWS style conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Crime Witness
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name/Number
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
International Crime Witness: Part One
The six model countries provided in the textbook are Saudi Arabia, England, China, France, Japan, and Germany. I have chosen to draft a detailed report of my experience in France.
According to chapter 6 of the textbook, criminal offenses in France are classified into three distinct categories. These include (1) Contraventions (petty crimes), (2) Crimes (felonies), and (3) Délits (minor crimes and misdemeanors) (Dammer, 2014). Misdemeanors and lesser criminal acts are handled by criminal investigators and prosecuting attorneys. Contrastingly, felonies are handled through a more intricate process that requires the involvement of Civil Law Systems (Dammer, 2014).
Over the holiday, my family and I got a chance to travel abroad to France. While we were in France, I witnessed a France citizen committing the callous act of robbery
Pertinent Economic, Demographic, Political, and Social Factors in France
France’s economy is the 6th largest globally and the 3rd largest in Europe after the United Kingdom and Germany. France’s chemical industry greatly contributes to the country’s economy as it boosts the economic growth and development of other manufacturing activities (Way Back Machine, 2019). France’s tourism industry has a significant effect on the country’s economy as France stands as the country with the most visitors globally (France country Report, 2019).
The population in France is estimated to be about 65.5 million, which is equivalent to 0.85 of the total global population. The population of France also ranks 22nd in the world. France’s total land area is 547,555 km2, and 81.4% of its population is urban.
Many affairs that involve high-ranking politicians have caused French citizens to distrust politicians. France is divided between pro-EU free-trade advocators and anti-EU protectionists. Civil unrest is likely to take place whenever policies are made.
Immigration is a problem in France. Illegal immigrants constitute about a fifth of the population. Illegal immigrants are creating social tensions and straining France’s public services (Chazan, 2018). Parisians are unsatisfied with the manner in which the government is handling the influx of immigrants. Parisians demand more deportations and stringent policies to alleviate the social tensions created by the presence of immigrants.
How France’s Criminal Code Would View the Witnessed Crime
While my family and I were on our way to the Louvre Museum, I witnessed a robbery. A young lad who looked like he was in his early teen years grabbed a purse from a female tourist who was taking photos. The young lad approached the lady from behind, knocked her over, and proceeded to grab her purse while she was on the ground. He took off running, knocking down a few more people on the way. The lady began to scream, which raised the alarm. Some bystanders even tried pursuing the young lad. The police were called to the scene, and the young man was arrested five blocks from the scene.
Robbery is not unheard of in France. France has high ins...
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