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Assignment 2 for Violent Crimes
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Violent Crimes
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Short and Long-Term Effects of Childhood Sexual Victimization
Childhood sexual victimization can cause serious short-term effects that are immediate following the abuse. The effects include acute psychological distress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Children can demonstrate withdrawal and regression, aggression, and sexualized behaviors inappropriate for their age. Ogundele (2018) reports that victims often have trouble having trust and attachment, which can affect their socialization and performance at school. As well as physical symptoms such as traumatic headaches, gastroenteric problems, and sleep disturbances may also be common.
Childhood sexual abuse usually undermines victims in the long run. Chronic mental health problems post or complex PTSD, depression, suicide ideation, and substance abuse may become problems for those who survive. As a result of stress-induced immune system dysfunction, the stress could lead to long-term physical health problems such as an increase in chronic illness (Rasheed, 2016). In addition, victims may have difficulty with interpersonal relationships, forming and maintaining trust, and are at increased risk of revictimization. This trauma can also affect a survivor's self-esteem, coping mechanisms, and sexual functioning, therefore the need for therapeutic interventions based on what a survivor needs.
Typical Offender Characteristics of Rapists and Distinctions Between Rape and Sexual Assault
Rapists follow some characteristics which may point to deep-rooted behavioral, psychological, or social problems. Common offender traits include feelings of powerlessness, a desire for control, and warped perceptions of sex and entitlement (Gravelin et al., 2017). Offenders tend to be antisocial and lack empathy and, therefore, can rationalize their actions. Some rapists choose to take advantage of victims; others may plan assault. There are certain subtypes, and they are each motivated and behave differently, such as power assertive, power reassurance, anger retaliatory, and sadistic rapists.
Rape and sexual assault ar...
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