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Approaches for Managing and Leading Criminal Justice Agencies

Essay Instructions:

Choose a criminal justice agency: police, courts, or corrections.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the different generations in the workforce, focusing on approaches for managing and leading criminal justice agencies. Be sure to include the following:

Define management, organization, and leadership.

Explain the roles of a manager and leader within criminal justice.

Discuss the need for learning organizations in criminal justice agencies.

Describe and analyze the different generations in today's changing criminal justice organization.

Describe the aspects of leadership and management that would be successful with different generations.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Management and Leadership Criminal Justice Agencies
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Approaches for Managing and Leading Criminal Justice Agencies
The criminal justice system comprises three main components: the police also referred to as law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. These independent bodies work together harmoniously to ensure that justice is well administered by investigating crimes and ensuring criminals are apprehended. A perfect example of a criminal justice agency is Crown Prosecution Services, a criminal service agency in England and Wales. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is a criminal service agency responsible for conducting the prosecution process for criminal cases already investigated by the police. The CPS, being an independent body in Wales and England, does not consult with the government, police, or other criminal service agencies during the prosecution process (Porter, 2019). The CPS conducts the prosecution process by deciding which cases ought to be prosecuted and determining the intensity of the criminal offenses by deciding which offense is the most intense. The CPS is also active during the investigation process. It is responsible for preparing cases, presenting them to the court, and providing support and protection for the crime victims and their witnesses.
Management, Organization, and Leadership in Criminal Justice
Management, organization, and leadership are crucial for the smooth operation of any organization. However, these three aspects—management, organization, and leadership—are crucial in the criminal justice system. Management is the continuous process of planning resources, employees, and finances to ensure that the organization attains the desired goal. An organization refers to the criminal service agency itself. For instance, the Crown Prosecution Services is an organization (Mayeux, 2018). The organization also refers to the agency’s mission, vision, work structure, and how to generate income. Leadership, on the other hand, in criminal justice is a process of integrated communication, teamwork, and the application of strategy to ensure justice is administered.
Clear et al. (2018) describe how management in the criminal justice system is well structured and organized into the upper, middle, and lower levels of management to ensure that each employee can effectively output their work (Clear et al., 2018). For instance, the Crown Prosecution Services criminal agency has over 6,000 employees, including lawyers, human resources, and digital service providers. The entire agency is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, appointed the Attorney General. The Crown Prosecution Service Board also includes the chair of the non-executive board members, the chief executive, the non-executive board members, and the audit and risk assurance committee (Wolfe et al., 2018). Each entity is a management system that administers justice and protects society.
An organization refers to the company that is delivering justice, and in this case, the Crown Prosecution Service is the organization. The organization also has a structure in terms of how it runs its activities to achieve its desired goals. The main goal of a criminal justice agency is to administer justice to ensure that society is safe, as opposed to other organizations whose aim is to make a profit. All the criminal agency org...
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