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Application of IMPACT Model to the Conflict Between the Board and the Police Department

Essay Instructions:

Applying the IMPACT Model
You have been appointed by the chief of police to represent the police department in communicating with a newly formed civilian police oversight board. Board members have no law enforcement experience and are very vocal about defunding the police and potentially eliminating the police department entirely. They are concerned with a lack of information from the department when a use of force incident occurs. Using the IMPACT model, detail each of the six steps that you would use to establish communications with the board, address their concerns and emphasize the importance of law enforcement to the community. The chief and administration have committed to making changes in the department’s policies and training to include de-escalation, crisis intervention, and body cameras for all officers. Part of your mission is to communicate these changes to the new board while establishing trust and transparency.
Review the six steps of the IMPACT Model from your textbook, Law Enforcement Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management: The IMPACT Model:
• Identify and manage emotions.
• Master the story.
• Promote positive behavior.
• Achieve rapport.
• Control your response.
• Take perspective.
Using the IMPACT model, develop a 5-page plan for addressing the conflict with the civilian police oversight board, in which you:
• Define the conflict between the board and the police department.
• Use the IMPACT Model to address the conflict.
• Explain at least three initiatives that the department can incorporate to help resolve the conflict.
• Use five credible, relevant, and appropriate sources to support your writing. Cite each source listed on your source page at least once within your assignment.
1 Source is attached to this. Law Enforcement Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management: Impact Model Brian D Fitch and Please find 4 additional ones
Lastly please see the attached writing standards and use this to guide the writing it must be formatted according to it,

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Applying the Impact Model
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Applying the Impact Model
Conflict Between the Board and The Police Department
The police function is an important social institution that helps to keep the citizens safe and orderly. The department is expected to conform to public calls about any growing problem or complaint in the society, defining the enforcement professional as the agency that strives to guarantee that every citizen in the community is assured of their safety. The incident arose primarily due to various complaints concerning police conduct and excessive use of force. The expectation and duties of police personnel have been steadily increasing over time. There has been a lot of use of aggression in the community lately. Various high use-of-force episodes and irresponsible and cop murders have heightened societal skepticism of police and deepened the divide between society and authorities. Many malpractices have occurred due to a lack of effective communication between the police force and public monitoring (Fitch, 2015, p. 16). Identify and manage your emotions. Master, the narrative, Promote good conduct. Acquire Rapport Manage your reaction and Take perspective. The IMPACT concept, when applied correctly, can assist police departments in interacting and engaging with people in the community more successfully.
Addressing the Conflict
The ability of every organization to communicate is critical to its success. Because law enforcement's job is to protect and serve, we can't do it without the help and support of society. The Police Department aims to gain the general populace's trust and cooperation and do so, and we must be more upfront and straightforward. As a result, as part of the strategy and training, the Police Department is trying to incorporate innovations such as de-escalation, crisis intervention, and body cams for all police officers.
Accountability is defined as a set of internal and external regulating rules. These structures are designed to maintain police accountability, deter misconduct, and restore or increase public confidence in enforcement. The goal is to guarantee that police officer carries out their responsibilities appropriately and hold them responsible if not. Police integrity refers to monitoring and other safeguards that prevent officers from abusing their authority and entitlements. To hold cops accountable for their acts and misdeeds, they should be given sufficient training. Police officers must also be well-prepared and enabled to carry out their responsibilities effectively and in workplace safety (Oostinga et al., 2017, p. 136). Managers are accountable for supervising their staff and reviewing and evaluating the actions of the police.
Law implementation authorities have a variety of responsibilities that necessitate a high degree of integrity in law authorization agencies and associated monitoring. Furthermore, a successful compliance program necessitates a user-friendly feedback platform for quickly examining concerns, initiating disciplinary procedures, and referring matters to criminal charges. Individuals should also be prepared to give suggestions for dealing with the wrongdoing's primary cause. Failure to work well, law enforcement agencies may find themselves vulnerable in the face of illegal situations and pushed out of their post. Police reform interventions are crucial, notably in post-conflict societal regimes and in various non-conflict contexts, generally via retraining of police officers who pay close attention to privacy rights norms. Relatively long measures are also intended to increase the police's reputation and competence by establishing a judicial monitoring and accountability framework (Weston et al., 2019, p.540). Efforts to improve police supervision and transparency should concentrate on three key requirements.
Incorporating Conflict Resolution
First and foremost, measures should be made to strengthen non-military people management of the authorities in a circumstance in which the police officers have been galvanized two and could be dictatorial and totalitarian. Moreover, it is critical to restore public trust in the police by conducting fair and transparent police investigations and dealing with police misconduct. Finally, contamination within the police force should be reduced. The better cops interact with the general public and, in many cases, reduce emotional trauma, the less likely they are to cause complaints or claims, enhancing the department's effectiveness. The police agency considers community policing to be its highest goal. The primary goal of this agency should be to deter criminals. The rationale demonstrates that preventing crime is preferable to deploying administrative capabilities after a committed crime. The public will provide goods in assistance to the authoritative bodies. Without the cooperation and involvement of the people ...
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