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Analysis of the U.S Elections Integrity

Essay Instructions:

Imagine you are a political writer with your own blog. You write about current events and what they mean for the U.S. government and its citizens. For this blog post you will choose an event from the last three months involving U.S. political issues or policies related to one of the following:

-The U.S. President.


-Administrative departments.

-Political activists.

-Judicial rulings.

-A campaign.

-An election.

Next, choose one reputable news source that has reported on your chosen event. Be sure it is a news source that offers well-written and well-researched news. It is recommended that you choose from one of the following news sources:

-Liberal leaning news: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Vox, HuffPost, Politico, CNN, Time Magazine.

-Conservative leaning news: National Review, The Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Federalist, Fox Online News, Washington Examiner.

-Centrist News: NPR Online News (National Public Radio), Reuters, BBC, CNBC News, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, Pew Research Center.

To see ratings of news sources, visit Media Bias Ratings(https://www(dot)allsides(dot)com/media-bias/media-bias-ratings).

For the first part of your blog post, provide a brief summary of your chosen current event. You should be conscious of your own bias and make every effort to avoid biased, opinionated, emotional, or judgmental language in this summary. That means avoiding words such as “always,” “obviously,” “clearly,” etc.

This PDF contains helpful tips for avoiding judgment statements: Objective Language [PDF].

In addition to providing a brief summary of your chosen current event, your blog post should answer each of the following questions:

1.)What specific branch of the U.S. government is involved in this current event?

2.) Who or which groups are affected by this event?

3.) What biases or leanings exist in the media source you chose? Give examples. Were these counterbalanced in any way?

4.) What are your opinions on the issue?

Your blog post should be typed in a Word document and meet the following requirements:

-A one- to two-paragraph summary of your chosen current event.

-One to two paragraphs for each of the four questions provided (see above), for a total of at least four paragraphs.

-Content of the blog is based on information from your selected news source or other reputable sources.

-Two to three pages in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Blog Post
Course code:
Blog Post
In the run-up to last year's general election, the integrity of U.S. elections ranked low compared to other democracies. According to a 2019 Electoral Integrity Project report, U.S. elections between July 2012 through December 2018 compared poorly to any other established democracies. The recent actions by republican members further prove that democracy in the country is compromised. They rush to pass laws that make it harder for voters to cast their vote and partisans to tamper with election results. The move is motivated by their leader's Donald Trump re-election failure in 2020. Consequently, the laws make it easier for the Republican party to win the election without garnering the most votes. This blog analyzes the congress and current activities that have happened in the past three months.
Congress is a bicameral legislature and a branch of the federal government tasked with safeguarding and making the laws in the United States. It comprises members from the Democratic party, the republican party, and representatives of a third party or independent affiliates. This blog sees a back and forth between two of the largest representatives, Democrats, and Republicans. The Republicans' motives are to make it easier for their side to win the coming general elections while the Democrats are determined to safeguard the democracy.
Voters will be the most affected by the outcome of the decisions that will be made in congress. The Democrats have tabled the election bill, H.R. 1, which at the moment is inconclusive. A recent change of law in Georgia exposes the shortcomings of the H.R, making it unlikely that the bill will pass on ...
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