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Vlan Trunking Protocol (VTP)

Essay Instructions:
Objectives: -Explain how VLANs work and how they’re used -Examine the modes in which VLANs operate -Describe and explain virtualization technologies, including how virtual machines connect with a network and how networking infrastructure devices can be virtualized Guidelines: -Submit a report in which you discuss the purpose of the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) and the modes in which it operates. INSTRUCTIONS: -For each answer, please explain your reasoning. -Assignments must be in Microsoft Word and submitted as an attachment. -Each assignment has to be at least one (1) page long. -Make sure to include your name, date, and corresponding heading information. -Ensure you check your assignment for grammar and spelling. -Be careful with plagiarism. -Remember to cite resources. Submitting Your Assignment and Turnitin The Turnitin Assignment is in Canvas. You do NOT have to go to Turnitin to submit your paper. Turnitin is plagiarism-checking software. It checks to see if your work is original. I have set the Turnitin Assignment so you can submit your paper as many times as you want until the due date. That will allow you to check your plagiarism score and see where your work is not original. You can then rephrase that section and put it into your own words. The expectation in this course is that your paper scores no more than 10% in plagiarism (90% original work). You will be able to resubmit your paper as many times as you need to in order to get it right until the Due Date (see the link below to a video showing you how to resubmit). You will NOT be able to resubmit after the Due Date. Note that it takes 24 hours to see your new plagiarism score after resubmission. No more than 2 or 3 quotes in the entire paper, please Avoiding Plagiarism You must be careful not to copy someone else's ideas and not to copy and paste ideas from the sources you find. Copying and pasting from someone else's work are considered plagiarism. You may use other people's ideas, but you have to put them in your own words and reference the source. Putting things in your own words is called "paraphrasing." And you must put the reference right after the idea. Needless to say, submitting plagiarized papers, including those copied from one of the Web sites that have "free" papers or even papers you can buy, will result in a penalty. That penalty in this course is that your grade will be reduced by the percentage of plagiarism over 10%. In other words, the less plagiarism, the higher your score is likely to be; the more plagiarism, the lower your score will be. The paper is worth 10% of your grade in this course. Don't risk it! APA Style and References One thing you will need to do in college is to learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research, locate, and use one reputable source from the literature on the topic of stress and stress-related illnesses. The "literature" is composed of studies that have been conducted in a scholarly way to support ideas. Scholarly sources can be found in journals or on some Web sites, especially those that come from .edu domains (.edu is short for "educational" Web sites) or .gov domains (.gov are government sites). The College Libraries have dozens of good journals you can use. You will be using the College Library for this paper. You may do the research in person or use the Web to access our library. See your librarian for more information on finding credible sources. In APA style, you cite a source in two places: within the body of the paper where you use the idea or words of the author of the paper; and again in the Reference List at the end of the paper. For example, you might say, "According to Researcher A (2019)...stress..." What you must do is supply the researcher's name within a sentence or at the end of a sentence in parenthesis (Smith, 2019). Then you give the full information for locating the study in the Reference List. That's what Reference Lists are for: they allow the person reading your paper to look up your source if they want to. So remember, citing references APA style, requires two things: 1) that you cite the reference within the body of the paper, and 2) that you list the full reference at the end in the Reference List.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Understanding Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) VLANs are logical groupings of devices on a network. The VLANs allow network administrators to segment singular physical networks into multiple virtual networks. Upon segmentation, each virtual network is enabled to operate independently (Lammle, 2018). This segmentation comes with multiple advantages including improved network security, enhanced network performance through prioritization and allocation of traffic, as well as steering flexible network management. There are three basic modes in which VLANs operate. The first mode is the server mode in which the network has a central authority for VLAN configuration. The server also propagates information to other VTP devices in the domain (Tanenbaum & Feamster, 2019). Client mode is the second operation mode for VLANs. The client modes synchronize its database with the server. Further, the client mode only applies configuration after receiving information from...
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