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Class Project Virtual Machines Ubuntu Kali Linux

Essay Instructions:

Submit one report for all 5 tasks.

Task 1 - Create three Virtual Box VM's (Virtual Machines) 1. Ubuntu 2. Kali Linux 3. Metasploitable2. Document your results and reflect on this assignment

Download Virtual Box and install on your machine: https://www(dot)virtualbox(dot)org/

Download and Install Ubuntu into VirtualBox https://www(dot)virtualbox(dot)org/wiki/Linux_Downloads

Download and Install Kali Linux into Virtual Box https://www(dot)kali(dot)org/downloads/

DOWNLOAD Metasploitable2 is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine. Brought to you by: rapid7user Also available at https://sourceforge(dot)net/projects/metasploitable/files/latest/download

Supplemental Material to assist with Task 1

Set up Kali Linux and Metasploitable 2 virtual machines in VirtualBox

Eli the Computer Guy discusses "Building a Virtual Lab with VirtualBox for Penetration Testing"

Whitehat Academy VM Prep

Kali Linux Tutorials (optional)

Task 2 - Use Metasploit and Armitage on your Kali machine to find a successful exploit.

Attack Metasploitable2 (unpatched version of Ubuntu) and your (up to date) Ubuntu VM using Armitage and/or Metasploit. Hint: Conduct a hail Mary via Armitage.

How-to Penetration Testing and Exploiting with Metasploit + Armitage + msfconsole

Armitage Kali Linux Tutorial - Scanning & Exploitation Metasploit for beginners #1

Task 3 - Samhain and Host IPS protection: Install Samhain on the Ubuntu VM, configure it to create alerts

Samhain and Host IPS protection: Install Samhain on the Ubuntu VM, configure it to create alerts.

Task 4 - Install pFSense on Ubuntu VM & block UDP traffic

Install pFSense on Ubuntu VM & block UDP traffic Ref pFSense for URL download

Task 5 - Design a cybersecurity strategy for defending against the attacks in this project. (Think "Defense In-Depth")

Additional request screenshots Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Class Project
Author Name
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Task 1 - Create three Virtual Box VM's (Virtual Machines) 1. Ubuntu 2. Kali Linux 3. Metasploitable 2. Document your results and reflect on this assignment
The three Virtual Box VMs (Virtual Machines) are as follows:
Kali Linux
In the next step, I downloaded Virtual Box and installed on my machine
Then I downloaded and installed Ubuntu into VirtualBox
In the next step, I downloaded and installed Kali Linux into Virtual Box
Then I downloaded Metasploitable2, which is a vulnerable Linux virtual machine.
In the next step, I had set up Kali Linux and Metasploitable 2 virtual machines in VirtualBox
Task 2 - Use Metasploit and Armitage on your Kali machine to find a successful exploit.
Armitage's Hail Mary feature is a smart db_autopwn, which is capable of finding exploits related to the target, can filter the exploits with the help of give...
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