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What Do You See As The Role Of Language And Culture In A Digital Forensics Environment?

Essay Instructions:

2 Questions, please answer at least one paragraph for each. Please input question and answer below question in the paper. Thank you.

1. What do you see as the role of Language and Culture in a digital forensics environment? What is more important, an understanding of foreign language or an understanding of culture?

2. What are some of the psychological implications that a forensic examiner should be aware of? What are techniques to address these implications? What is the most likely psychological aspect that would impact an examiner's career and life away from work?

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Week 11
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What do you see as the role of Language and Culture in a digital forensics environment? What is more important, an understanding of foreign language or an understanding of culture?
Despite playing an important role in criminal investigations, digital forensic examiners have been facing a lot of problems for some time now (Stelly & Roussev, 2018). Staffing cuts, stress while working with police officers and heavy caseloads are the core issues they come across. In some circumstances, they are kept from practicing openly, and cultural and language barriers hinder their success to an extent. The fact is that language and culture should be used to motivate digital forensic examiners so that the working environment gets strengthened. Language is far more important than the culture. This is because while working abroad, a person is not asked to accept the cultural changes or traditions of a country, but he is obviously required to speak the local language so that an understanding of environment can be developed. The United States, for example, is a country where people are liberal-mind...
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