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Professional Ethics about Computer Hacking

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Professional Ethics
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Professional Ethics: Computer Hacking
Computer hacking can be defined as the act of changing or interfering with computer software and hardware in a way that does not mirror the needs or goals of the owner of a computer. When a person tries to alter or do anything that is conflicting with the owner’s objective, then it is considered hacking. In the U.S. today, computer hacking is considered one of the biggest issues. In his article, Miroff (2018) writes that “cyberweapons and sophisticated hacking pose a greater threat to the United States than the risk of physical attacks.” These comments were being echoed by Homeland Secretary Nielsen who was speaking with regards to the state elections. Computer hacking has become a major issue, and with worries that Russian hackers interfered with the 2016 presidential elections, the US was expected to be on alert this time around. Today, cyberattacks should be considered to be the greatest threat by any government, and it is crucial that relevant security measures are employed. This paper seeks to support and showcase the notion that computer hacking is indeed an unethical activity and that it should be discouraged through physical security as well as software security.
The first reason why computer hacking is dangerous and should be deterred through heavy security measures is that it can become a national security issue. When hacking gets to the point where it has become a national security concern, it should indeed be dealt with fast. Lindsey (2018) notes that “the newest cyber threat troubling top U.S. government officials is the prospect of Russian hackers breaking into the U.S. power grid and selectively causing blackouts across the country.” This is quite dangerous and could lead to the loss of billions of dollars or the deaths of patients who could be in the hospital within a particular grid that has been attacked. Attacking a power grid is but only a single way in which hacking can be used to cripple an...
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