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Omnitracs Information System Analysis

Essay Instructions:

For this essay provide an overview of Omnitracs as an information system and describe the characteristics of the users of the information system.

Characteristics of the Users of the System

In this section, briefly describe the characteristics of the users of the system. Who are the users? If it is a work-related system, describe the employees or employee groups who use the system. If it is a personal web-based system, what types of people use this system?

Features and Usage of the System

Note that this section of your essay is worth 25% of your grade on this essay. Together, the “Features and Usage of the System” and the “Impact of the System” sections of your essay comprise half of your grade on this essay. So, make sure these two sections of your essay are thorough and well-developed. These two sections together should be the focus of this essay.

In this section, describe what the system does, from a user’s perspective. When you log into the system, what choices do you have for what you can do with it? Look at the menu options in your system and decide which functions of the system are most important. Choose several of these functions/features and describe each one in its own well-developed paragraph. When describing a function, walk the user through that function, describing the interactions the user has with the system. What data or information does the user enter that function? What does the information system do with that data? Does it transform it in some way? How is that data later retrieved or displayed (output)? What is that data used for?

As an example, if your information system is Facebook, you might describe “Status Updates” as one function of the system. You would describe the purpose of a status update and then describe how you use this function. You would describe how the user enters a status update (i.e., click on status update box and type your post). You would describe any options that the function has (i.e., add photos to your post, tag people in your post, add a location to your post, select the audience for your post, etc.). You would discuss what the system does with the data you input, and you would describe how that information is displayed and output again. For example, for the Facebook “Status Update” function, you would describe how Facebook saves your status updates in its database, and how it displays it in your friends’ news feeds, as well as on your timeline.

Remember to describe each feature or function of your system in a separate, well-developed paragraph. To continue with the Facebook example, other features could include the customizable settings, the News Feed, the Timeline, Messages, Groups, etc. You would fully describe each of these main features in a separate paragraph, covering the purpose, information inputs, processing (what the system does with information you input into that feature), and outputs or displays. For another example, if you are analyzing a work-related system, the output of some features of your system might take the form of reports generated for management, or automatically generated emails or notifications, or simply queries that you can run which display information on your computer screen.

(One final note on this section – remember to focus on the usage of the system, rather than on specifics of the hardware and software of the system. You will go into more detail in analyzing the hardware and software requirements of the system in your second essay, so save your research on the server-side and client-side hardware and software requirements for your next essay. You will receive detailed guidance on those requirements later).

Impact of the System

Note that this section of your essay is worth 25% of your grade on this essay. Together, the “Features and Usage of the System” and the “Impact of the System” sections of your essay comprise half of your grade on this essay. So, make sure these two sections of your essay are thorough and well-developed. These two sections together should be the focus of this essay.

In this section, you will describe the impact that your information system has on the organization that uses the system, and/or the individual users of the system. If you are analyzing a work-related system, then discuss the impact that it has on your organization. If the system is used by different groups of employees (i.e., lower level employees vs. managers), then you can discuss the impact the system has on each group of employees. If you are analyzing a personal web-based information system (i.e., Facebook), then discuss the impact the system has on the users of the system. In the example of a system like Facebook, you can discuss different groups of users, such as how it impacts individuals who use Facebook, businesses who use Facebook, and other types of groups and organizations who use Facebook.

Be sure that when you discuss the impacts of your system, you don’t simply talk about the features of the system again (which you covered in the previous section). Instead, try to quantify the positive benefits in terms of how the system saves the users time, money, and/or effort. For business systems, positive impacts will include how it makes your business processes more effective and efficient. For home and personal systems, positive impacts will include how the system makes some task or tasks in your personal life more effective and efficient. One way to quantify these things is to consider the time, money, and effort that would be required to accomplish the same tasks manually that you are able to accomplish using the information system. For example, if you are analyzing an online shopping system, like Amazon.com, you can discuss the time and effort that is saves by not having to physically go out to the store to purchase something, or not having to physically visit many different stores to comparison shop. If you are analyzing a work-related system, consider how you would accomplish the same tasks manually and how the information system saves you time, money, and or effort, compared to the manual process that would be required to accomplish the same tasks. You might even consider how the business area that your system is used in did accomplish similar tasks in the days before there were computer-based information systems to automate that business process.

Be sure to discuss both positive and negative impacts of your information system. Are there any potential disadvantages to using your information system? Be sure to come up with at least one potential negative impact. If your system is so great that you can’t do without it, then one negative impact could be that users are overly-dependent on the system and aren’t able to accomplish the same tasks when the system is down. However, there are generally other potential negative impacts to any system, as well – see if you can think of several negative impacts, too.


Finally, write your concluding paragraph(s) in this section. Try to write a strong conclusion that both ties your essay together and makes a strong final impact on the reader. Rather than simply re-stating what you have already discussed, try to use this section to take the reader one step further. There are many ways to do this and I will leave it to your creativity to come up with an appropriate conclusion for your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Omnitracs Information System Analysis
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Omnitracs Information System Analysis
In the past, fleet management was a hard task demanding a lot of effort, dedication, time and resources. Even then, the results were far from satisfactory. Fleet companies still incurred huge losses from accidents, employee misconduct and time lost. Thankfully, the advent of fleet management information systems has gone a long way in not only greatly cutting down on the losses but also improving efficiency and reliability of the firms using them. Of importance is minimizing of the costs or running the fleet throughout the entire transport process (Golden, Raghavan andWasil, 2008). This paper provides an overview of Omnitracs, an information system company founded with the aim of providing fleet management assistance to interested firms.
Characteristics of the Omnitracs’ Users
As mentioned, the target users of the information system are companies with a large number of vehicles and drivers under its employ. Specifically, they are commercial transport firms using trucks to deliver goods over long distances. The companies aim to ensure that they have up-to-date information on every of their vehicle and driver in whichever location they maybe.
Features and Usage
Once the user logs into the system, several features are available. They come in form of products that provide the best solutions according to the user in question. The options include Analytics, Roadnet Anywhere, Roadnet Transportation Suite and Sylectus. Under the Enterprise Services option is the hours of service which records the drivers’ logs automatically and keeps track of the driver hours. The Driver Workflow enables processing of forms and automation of load assignments as well as integrating with dispatch software to enhance workflow communication for drivers. The Critical Event Reporting, in addition, helps reduce the risks of accident occurrence by monitoring such events as alerts initiated by the driver, sensor data onboard and hard braking. There is also the DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting) meant for completing reports for vehicle inspection. Fault code alerts are provided to managers and drivers through the Fault Monitoring feature. Performance Monitoring helps keep track of fuel consumption. It should be noted that irresponsible drivers are some of the causes of unnecessary human consumption and, thus, costs (Goel, 2010). It monitors such behaviors of the driver as idling, over-revving, speeding and top gear time. The Extended Productivity scans barcodes, signatures and images from a mobile gadget. The exact fuel transmits information ...
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