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How Many Files On Mantooth’s Evidence Image Are Also On Washer’s Image

Essay Instructions:

This is a lab report, please attach required screenshots to the paper. The instructor goes by the grading criteria, item by item.

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Lab Report
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Document how many files on Mantooth’s Evidence image are also on Washer’s image.
Document how many files on Washers’s Evidence image are also on Mantooth’s image.
If there are any “.jpg” files in common between the Mantooth and Washer Evidence images, provide the name(s) and copy of the”. Jpg” in your report files. If there are no “.jpg’ files in common with Mantooth and Washer, make a note in your report that no common files were located after a diligent examination. If there are common “.jpg” files, examine closely and determine if they are true”. Jpg” files and explain the rationale for your conclusion.
Once the investigation was over, the hashes from every driver were properly checked and verified to ensure that no changes, corruption and damages were done. We wanted to see if the images of the media devices were impacted or not.
Provide the account name and last login information for each account located on the Mantooth and Washer evidence images.
The login details for both Mantooth and Washer evidence images are as follows:
Username: checkwasher@gmail.com
Password: 1230001
If there is evidence of any “.exe” file being deleted on either the Mantooth or Washer image files, describe the appropriate artifact name, file types and document findings in your report.
There is no evidence of “.exe” file...
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