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1 pages/≈275 words
IT & Computer Science
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John Leyden’s Article

Essay Instructions:

Information Security Management Course Work

Find a cybersecurity-related article from the news (something from the last 1-2 weeks) and on one page, describe the details of the article and how it relates to what you have learned so far this semester.

Session 1, Topics – Course Intro, Introduction to Security

Session 2, Topics – Malware and Social Engineering Attacks

Session 3, Topics – Basic Cryptography

Session 4, Topics – Advanced Cryptography

Session 5, Topics – Networking and Server Attacks

Session 6, Topics – Network Security Devices, Design, and Technology

Session 7, Topics – Administering a Secure Network and Wireless Network Security

Session 8, Topics – Host, Application, and Data Security

Session 9, Topics – Mobile and Embedded Device Security

Session 10, Topics – Authentication and Account Management

Do your own work and make sure you answer all the questions.

It will submit on the Turnitin.

Submission will be sent to Turnitin to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Information Security Management Coursework
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Information Security Management Coursework
John Leyden’s “US Mental Health Provider Admits Email Breach Exposed Patient Data” shows how hospitals are losing critical patient information to cybercriminals. People Incorporated, a Minnesota-based Mental Health Services, admitted that a security breach of its email exposed the data of about 27,500 people (Leyden, 2020). The protected health information contained patients’ data, such as insurance information, dates of birth, driver’s license, medical record number, identification number, physical addresses, financial account information, names, social security numbers, and treatment information (Leyden, 2020). The best thing that People Incorporated did was to report the issue to the government and notifying the affected individuals. For the Mental Health Service to minimize chances of such an incidence reoccurring, it implemented technical safeguards and provided education and training to security experts so that they can know how to identify and deal with malicious emails.
Leyden’s article relates to various topics we covered in the classroom, namely introduction to security...
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