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Introduction To Computer, Assessment 8 Business Start Up Proposal

Essay Instructions:

For assignment 8, I would like for you to write it as a paper. For the formulas, I am looking for just that, the formulas. You can provide them in a recreated spreadsheet or you can provide them in the paper with the rest of the assignment. It does not matter how you present the formulas as long as I see the actual three different types of formulas requested from the assignment in a formula format, like it would be entered in Excel to calculate.

There are two more sections, the network portion and the security concerns. With the networks, you are to provide at least two different types of networks that you can setup at home along with the pros and cons of those networks. Then you are to provide the one you suggest and the equipment needed to setup that network. Think about it, if you have your computers networked at home, how is this done? What type of network is it? I am not looking for wired or wireless. I'm not looking for LAN or WAN. I'm not looking for the different topologies. The information I am looking for is definitely in your reading and may be mentioned in the video.

For the security concerns, you are to tell me 5 security concerns Bill would have with his network at home. Think about it. What are you worried about that can happen to your own computers/network? What concerns do you have about your own computers and data? This information is also in your reading.



I was born to an educated and sensible family; my father is a doctor, and my mother is a freelance writer. After completing my MBA, I established my own consultancy firm and hired a number of workers once the business gained fame. Most often, we provide consultancy services to startups. Bill, a close friend of my parents, came to me the previous week and told me that he wanted to start his business. My parents referred him to me as I was providing these kinds of services already. During my discussion with Bill, I got to know that he has been a salesman for a restaurant supply company for some years now. He is not good at using technology equipment but is curious to know more about them since he understands that both hardware and software would be needed to run the company.

Hardware for Bill’s Startup

As Mr. Bill is looking to sell restaurant equipment from home, he will need to buy a computer laptop, telephone, and other similar items. Ideally, he can go with one desktop or laptop computer (which will cost him $500), two external hard drives, one wireless router, a telephone to make calls, and a good quality printer (Hill, 2015). The approximate price of all of these hardware products will be $4000.

Operating System

Mr. Bill should install Windows XP in his computer device as it is one of the best computer operating systems. The second software he might have to go with is Microsoft Office, which is good for those who want to prepare proposals to be sent to the customers. Maybe, Bill will have to make some presentations in order to attract new clients toward his products and services, and for this, he will have to use MS PowerPoint which is part of MS Office.

Other Technologies for the Startup

He will have to buy a mobile phone, get Bluetooth and try some mobile computing devices, which might benefit Mr. Bill while doing the business. It would be great if he installs some advanced apps in his mobile, as well as build the brand on social media by creating professional profiles. This will help him interact with new and existing clients globally and will ease his work to an extent. In order to deliver the restaurant equipment, he should buy both small-sized and large-sized delivery drones that will cost him $1000 per drone, or even more depending on his budget and expectations.


Mr. Bill should keep his budget to a minimum of $10,000 to start the home-based business. It is the least price he has to manage in order to generate good revenues. If he will buy cheap or second-hand products, Bill may never be able to achieve success.

The fact is that establishing home-based businesses is easy, but when people are asked to invest something, they hesitate considering it a waste of time. If Mr. Bill does not invest in the business or does not opt for good marketing strategies, it will never be possible for him to maximize the exposure and to target clients across the globe.


Hill, I. (2015). Business Planning and Start-Up — Launch. Start Up, 295-312. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-42584-3_12

Essay Sample Content Preview:

IT Project
Author Name
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Part 1
Mr. Bill has to put (sum = b5:e5) in Column F in order to show the total expenses for each day.
Part 2
The formula or function needed to put in column B to column F of Row 13 is (sum = b5:b11) in order to get the total expenses for the week in every category.
Part 3
As Bill owns a startup and he does not need to spend more than $100.00 per day, he should leave the Column G blank.
Part 4
=IF(F9>100,"YES"," ")
=IF(F12>100,"YES"," ")
Part 5
Mr. Bill will require a workgroup and a domain. In the workgroup, all of his computers have to be connected with the main system; each employee will have access to his particular system only, meaning he will not...
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