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1 pages/≈275 words
IT & Computer Science
English (U.S.)
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Information Security Management and Risk Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Information Security Management Course Work

Risk Management Study

Perform an abbreviated risk management study on your personal computer. Conduct an asset identification, threat identification, vulnerability appraisal, risk assessment, and risk mitigation. Under each category, list the elements that pertain to your system. What major vulnerabilities did you uncover? How can you mitigate the risks? Write a one-page paper on your analysis.

Do your own work and make sure you answer all the questions.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Information Security Management Coursework
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Subject and Section
Professor's Name
December 5, 2020
Creating a risk analysis is important, not only for industries but also for everyday life. With the number of risks that could jeopardize one's personal information, knowing how to protect one's data is essential. This paper will conduct an asset identification, threat identification, vulnerability appraisal, risk assessment, and risk mitigation of my own personal computer.
Asset Identification
Some of the most important assets in my personal computer are my school works, personal files, and online passwords. Considering that I store most of my personal data (including bank logins) within my computer, these assets are transactional and high-value. Additionally, the hardware itself (i.e., ram, mouse, keyboard, etc.) could also be considered an asset.
Threat Identification
There are several threats that I should consider in protecting my assets. This includes both physical and ...
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