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2 pages/≈550 words
IT & Computer Science
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8

ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)

Essay Instructions:

Executive summary: See the attached guidelines for writing an executive summary. For this assignment, EVERY student must write their own executive summary on their group project. where you want to inform the user about a topic but do not require someone to make a decision or take action.

- The executive summary must be between 1-2 pages in length, no longer, no shorter. Single space. If it doesn't look professional and formatted for submission in a business environment, it won't be graded.

- Start with the Purpose of the exec summary. Here you need to explain the problem solved / purpose of the network protocol covered in your video.

- Second, provide a Discussion of how the network protocol solves the problem and any other interesting information that you think the reader would benefit from knowing.

- Third, end with a short list (1-3) of references on where to learn more about the protocol.

- You will be graded on content, clarity, and mechanics as described in the attached grading rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internet Control Message Protocol
Rongyao Zhou
University of Tulsa
Executive Summary
In this report, I will provide details regarding the value of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) in our daily lives. With the passage of time, computer networks have become an integral part of our lives as they provide us with unlimited benefits and ensure our privacy and safety on the internet. In order to perform its job, every computer system relies on a range of tools, software, programs, and applications (Rosen, 2013). One such tool is the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). It is used by an extensively large number of network devices such as routers and helps send operational information and error messages requested by the service provider or host so that the error could be fixed as soon as possible. In simple words, the Internet Control Message Protocol is used to transfer data from one system to another and is employed by all kinds of end-user network applications with exceptions of diagnostic tools like traceroute and PING.
The Internet Control Message Protocol helps a network administrator assist hisclients in a better way. By obtaining data through this protocol, he can easily diagnose the network issue and may fix the problem in a matter of minutes. The most common issues that arise in a network are the failure of the entire computer system and server outage. It is too easy to spot a flaw in the system, diagnose the problem and get it solved. Most often, the administrator uses PING for sending requests from the local computer an individual is using to other servers or computers he is supervising. The request an administrator sends from his own network or computer travels across a series of systems and reaches the ta...
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