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How Switch Provides Cloud Computing Services to Numerous Technology Companies in the U.S.

Essay Instructions:

Concept Selection [50 marks]  Select exactly 5 different concepts for each video. There are 3 videos, so in total, you will select 15 concepts for the entire project. You may select the same concept for different videos.  Each concept must use the exact same terminology that we have used in the lectures and tutorials.  For each concept, you must refer to a specific lecture and slide.  Highlight (with colour) and bold the video, concept name, and lecture slide reference (examples shown below).  Marks will be penalized (and possibly, 0 marks scored) if you select terminology that has not been used in class.  Summary Concept: o For each video, 1 of the 5 concepts should be chosen that best summarizes the entire video. o Maximum marks awarded for choosing appropriate concept that best summarizes the entire video o Label this concept in your report as “Summary Concept 1” like this (this is just an example): Video 1, Summary Concept 1: Cloud Computing (Lecture 1, slide 3)  Hidden Concepts: o For each video, 2 of the 5 concepts should be chosen that are very specific concepts that are not so obvious, but are indirectly referred to in the video. That is, the idea of the concept is discussed, but the video does not actually mention the concept. 3 o Maximum marks are scored for your ability to find non-obvious, “hidden” concepts, especially if they are very specific, and if few other groups can find these concepts. o Label this concept as “Hidden concept” (concepts 4 and 5) in your report like this: Video 1, Hidden Concept 4: XYZ (Lecture 99, slide 88)  Remaining Concepts: o For each video, the remaining 2 of the 5 concepts should be concepts that are most relevant to the video. o Maximum marks for choosing the most relevant concepts related to the video. o Label these concepts (concepts 2 and 3) in your report like this: Video 1, Concept 2: XYZ (Lecture 99, slide 88)  For all concepts, the more specific the concept, the better. For example, if you just select the concept “cloud computing”, of course that is relevant to every video, so you will score very low marks because it is too general and not specific enough.  However, for the Summary Concepts and Remaining Concepts, you should prioritize choosing the most relevant concept for the video over choosing a more specific concept. For example, it is more important to choose the best concept that summarizes the entire video, rather than choosing a more specific concept which is only mentioned in a small part of the video, but is not the main topic of the entire video.  Important: Concept selection is worth a lot of marks! So choose your concepts carefully. All group members should watch all videos more than once, and then all group members should debate on what are the best concepts to choose. Do NOT give each group member just one video, and let each group member do it on their own, because it is very easy to miss the important concepts without discussing with other group members, and this will cost a lot of marks! Explanation for Selection [50 marks]  Explain why you selected each specific concept.  You should explain what the concept means, using simple words. Explain in a way that would be helpful for another student who did not understand the concept.  Marks are penalized for using complicated terminology that is not taught in the subject, that another student cannot be reasonably expected to know.  Explain specifically how that concept is highly relevant for the video by referring to specific parts of the video, e.g. “At 1:36, the video talks about ABC, which is an example of the concept of XYZ, because… ”.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cloud Computing Project
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Cloud Computing Project
Video 1: Inside the World’s Largest Data Center
Video 1, Summary Concept 1: Ubiquitous Access (Lecture 1, slide 8)
We selected this concept since it shows how Switch, the largest data center, provides cloud computing services to numerous technology companies in the United States of America (USA), such as Tesla, AT&T, Verizon, Orange, Sprint, Comcast, BT, and Telefonica. In particular, ubiquitous access means effective accessibility to distinctive consumers using a broad range of electronic devices and in different geographical locations. The term ubiquitous access is highly relevant for the entire video. Specifically, the names of the companies served by Switch are mentioned from 2:10 to 2:15.
Video 1, Hidden Concept 2: Ready-Made Environment (Lecture 6, slide 30)
We have chosen this concept since it portrays how Switch provides the specific cloud environment that its consumers want. In particular, Switch serves technology companies and hospitals too. A ready-made environment entails a pre-defined platform that has information technology resources already installed and ready for use and consumers can customize their virtual databases. The concept is highly relevant for the video since it depicts how Switch provides high-speed and low-rate connections between 1:27 and 1:35.
Video 1, Hidden Concept 3: Multitenant Technology (Lecture 3, slide 48)
The concept was selected since it shows how Switch data center serves numerous providers without them noticing that other exists. For instance, when AT&T is using its cloud services it does not know that Sprint is also using the services from similar servers. Multitenant technology involves the situation where a physical server is used by multiple users with each feeling like they have their own server. The term is highly relevant for the video since it is explained from 4:46 to 5:35. During this timestamp, it is evident how eBay and Renown Health benefit from Switch’s physical servers, and both users have unique priorities.
Video 1, Concept 4: Confidentiality (Lecture 11, slide 4)
We chose this concept since it was discussed in the entirety of the video. Specifically, confidentiality entails the accessibility of information to only authorized personnel. The term is relevant to the video and keeps coming up from 2:05 to 6:10. For example, many large companies in the USA prefer to use Switch’s cloud services due to their emphasis on data confidentiality. For instance, Renown Health’s chief executive officer (CEO) and president, Dr. Anthony Slonim, said that when evaluating the best cloud service provider, the priority was on the delivery of data security and reliability.
Video 1, Concept 5: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Lecture 2, slide 12)
The reason for choosing this term is that Switch provides cloud storage that consumers can manipulate in any way they want. Notably, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) refers to the high control level of utilization and configuration given to consumers. In other words, users can alter the interface of their applications stored on servers without the provider’s intervention. For example, between 4:45 and 5:10, it is evident that eBay can display a different user interface from other users of Switch cloud servers.
Video 2: World War E Has Started – But What Is It?
Video 2, Summary Concept 1: Remote Administration System (Lecture 9, slide 4)
We chose this term since Adam Taggart and Mike Maloney’s discussion revolved around WWE and how Internet users can be controlled by system administrators unknowingly. In particular, a remote administration system comprises tools used by administrators and consumers to manage the information technology resources. For the best part of the video, from 1:57 to 8:50, Maloney discusses how he was surprised when his Twitter and computer’s browser were controlled by an unknown person, such that he could not access the specific materials he needed. The concept is highly relevant to the video since it shows how system administrators can misuse their authority to conceal crucial information.  
Video 2, Hidden Concept 2: Security (Lecture 3, slide 7)
Although security might not be mentioned directly in this video, we decided to select the term and discuss it. Specifically, the public cloud has the highest security risk due to multitenancy. The term is highly relevant to video, particularly from 2:05 to 4:15. At this juncture, Maloney portrays how Russia and Ukraine were involved in breaching the security of some websites, meaning that they were involved in cyber wars.
Video 2, Hidden Concept 3: Denial of Service (Lecture 11, slide 23)
We chose this term since it shows how users can be denied s...
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