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Discussion: Testing Your Model

Essay Instructions:

7-2 Discussion: Testing Your Model

Using the data file below that matches your project, run the new data set to score your model. Compare the accuracy of the model you developed to the files below by analyzing the values your model produced against the values in these files. Share your results in an initial post and consider the following questions:

What results did you expect?

What results did you not expect?

How do the results for your model change when using the verification data set, as opposed to the training data?

Are there elements of your model that you need to adjust when using the verification data?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

7-2 Discussion: Testing Your Model
What results did you expect? I expected that there would be small deviations in the income levels when using the model to make predictions. Employee attrition is affected by various factors such as age, income levels, overtime, the employees feeling there are valued, and job satisfaction. Younger people tend to move for better job opportunities and find it easier to relocate. The EMPID (employee Work id) uniquely identifies the employees. In the employee attrition, the data showed that there was attrition in 33 individuals accounting for 16.5%, and there was no attrition in 167 employees accounting for 83.5%
What results did you not expect?
I did not expect the marketing education field to have the highest attribution rate followed by the human resource education field compared to the medical field. There were no big differences in the attrition rate among the Human Resources, Research & Development and Sales departments as the rates were 16.7%, 45.6%, and 18.87% respectively when compared to the overall attrition rate is 16.5%.
. How do the ...
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