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The Commit and Rollback Statements

Essay Instructions:

Why are the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements necessary? Explain their relationship to one of the transaction properties. Explain all four possible concurrency problems and provide examples of each.

Today’s world is known as the information age. We have access to tremendous amounts of data that we can turn into information. Nevertheless, with all these resources at our finger tips, students still do not properly cite sources. If you do not have an in-text citation and resource or you do not properly format the in-text citation and resource with your DQ responses, I will deduct a quarter point each from your final score

In my weekly announcements, I provide a link as a reminder and to help you properly cite sources in your papers, responses to the DQ question and posts from your classmates. Nevertheless, students still ask why I deducted points from their final score even though I include that as part of my feedback to them. Therefore, I wanted to provide a few examples of what I mean by properly citing your resources.

APA format for our book

Elmasri, R., & Navathe, S. B. (2016). Fundamentals of Database Systems (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

APA format from a web resource

Osman, H. (2016, February 4). Virtual Teams Pros and Cons: All You Need to Know. In The Couch Manager. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from https://www(dot)thecouchmanager(dot)com/virtual-teams-pros-and-cons/

In-text citation of our book

(Elmasri & Navathe, 2016, p 10)

In-text citation from a web resource

(Osman, 2016)

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COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
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COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
Any transaction in a database ends with either a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements. These commands are necessary since they show whether a transaction has occurred successfully or not. When a transaction ends in a COMMIT statement, it means that it has been successful (Elmasri & Navathe, 2016, p. 754). However, when it ROLLBACK, it means that it failed, and the data has been reverted to the way it was before the transaction was initiated.
The ROLLBACK and COMMIT statements align with the transaction property of consistency. In particular, the data stored in a database must be consistent before and after the transaction (Elmasri & Navathe, 2016, p. 757). On that note, if a person is withdrawing money using an automated teller machine (ATM) card, the value of the money should remain the same whether a transaction succeeds (COMMIT) or fails (ROLLBACK). For example, if a transaction succeeds, the sum of the money withdrew, and the current balance should be equal to the initial available balance.
The four primary concurrency problems include dirty read, phantom read, lost update, and unrepeatable read. The dirty read problem occurs when an uncommitt...
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