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The ACID Test and the Importance of Information Systems

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to explain how information systems can help companies make adequate use of data, how locking mechanisms function, how to clarify issues that may be encountered, and how to avoid bad transactions.

You have just been hired as a new junior database administrator (jDBA) for the Adventure Words Cycle Company and the department manager wants to verify your knowledge of transactions in SQL before you begin working with the database.

Part 1:

In a 500-word document, address the following questions:

1. Demonstrate and describe the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) test, including the meaning of each of the four components. Provide an example that illustrates the importance of adhering to the ACID test.

2. Explain "collateral damage" in an update query.

3. Explain why locking prevents dirty reads.

4. Summarize what happens when you encounter a "deadlock," and provide an example of what can be done to correct a deadlock.

Part 2:

Organizations strive to become market leaders in their given industry. In times where factors such as recession and competition may hinder the achievement of this goal, organizations look for strategies that lead to competitive advantage. One strategy is the adoption and creation of an effective business information system within the company. In a minimum of 500 words, explain how the adoption of an effective information system can help support:

1. Information storage and analysis

2. Global awareness

3. Making effective and ethical business decision

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, need to cite three resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Managing Database System
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Part 1
Demonstrate and describe the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) test, including the meaning of each of the four components. Provide an example that illustrates the importance of adhering to the ACID test
Atomicity (A): Atomicity ensures that every transaction is an “all-or-nothing” occurrence. Atomic operations do not allow incomplete transactions, preventing data corruption. A transaction is “scaled back” to the prior state if it cannot be finished as if it never took place. Data transactions, such as adding a new record to a database or deleting an existing one, should be completed entirely. Only once the payment has been fully processed is it accessible to other users.
Consistency (C): This entails having consistent data after the start and conclusion of a transaction. Consistency ensures that the total sum amount of monies in both accounts is identical in an application at the conception and conclusion of every transaction when cash is sent from one account to another.
Isolation (I): The outcome of numerous concurrent payments must be identical to if they had each taken place independently (Osborne, 2022). Thus, the stress test for the database should be successful, meaning it should not overwhelm the system and cause inaccurate database operations.
Durability (D): The database’s data must only alter due to transactions; outside forces cannot alter it. For instance, a software upgrade must not unintentionally alter or potentially lose data.
Provide an example that illustrates the importance of adhering to the ACID test
To further comprehend the significance of ACID activities to database systems, let’s take an illustration. Take a look at a financial application. Let’s say you want to withdraw $70 from your Prime Bank account. This business procedure necessitates the completion of a transaction. You can use an ATM to demand the cash in person or present a slip to a bank teller. The bank takes the following actions when it gets the request to conclude the entire business procedure. The bank will:
1. Verify that you have enough money to remove the specified amount.
2. The processing will proceed if you accept the request and halt.
3. Debit your bank account with the requested sum.
4. Create a transaction receipt.
5. Give you the specified sum together with the receipt.
All these stages must be followed by the transaction executing the withdrawal. Otherwise, one of the participants in the payment will be unsatisfied.
Explain “collateral damage” in an update query
When data is updated or modified in other portions of a database when they weren’t expected to be altered when you are updating another area, this is referred to as collateral damage in connection to an update query (Osborne, 2022). When you update a query, and specific fields harm other data as a result – this is known as collateral damage.
Explain why locking prevents dirty reads
A dirty read occurs when a transaction is modifying some data but hasn’t yet committed, allowing another process to view the uncommitted data. This led to an indication of incorrect data that was scaled back (Osborne, 2022). A process that nullifies login tokens when a user alters their password illustrates a dirty read. You would have a dirty read if, when the first payment loads the token, a subsequent one reads it before the initial one nullifies it.
Summarize what happens when you encounter a “deadlock,” and provide an example of what can be done to correct a deadlock
A deadlock happens when many operations are attempting to access a similar resource concurrently but are inhibiting one another from doing so until each process has been completed. Since both procedures are present simultaneously, neither can begin nor end in this...
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