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Women's Suffrage in the Late 19th Century

Essay Instructions:

Identify the various strategies used by suffragists during the 1870s and 1880s. Analyze the arguments and strategies of leading women’s rights advocates. Analyze the reasons that some women sought to work within nineteenth-century notions about gender while others were more radical and sought to overturn these notions.

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Women Suffrage
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Women's Suffrage
Women encountered several challenges in achieving their goals for the women's suffrage movement in the late nineteenth century. The duration of the movement shows that its founders did not live to enjoy its achievements; therefore, it was quite a struggle for women to get where they are today. The Congressional Union for Women Suffrage was very useful in raising awareness to the public about the women's suffrage movement. During the 1870s and 1880s, suffragists used several strategies to achieve their goals. For instance, suffragists caught the attention of legislators and the public using relentless lobbying, public stunts, disobeying the law, and nonviolent confrontation.
Traditional lobbying and petitioning were the most effective strategy that the suffragists employed (Neuman, 2017). However, the suffragists accompanied their strategies with public actions such as parades, public speaking, and demonstrations. Suffragists then realized that they needed to use aggressive strategies so that their voices could be heard. Some of the aggressive strategies that the suffragists resorted to including standing outside the White House. The picketing led to some suffragists being arrested and taken to jail.
However, the suffragists did not mind being arrested because that would make the public recognize their campaign. They were regarded as political prisoners, not criminals. While in jail, suffragists were disobedient and shocked many people, and in the long run, brought attention and support to their cause. In addition, suffragists successfully forced President Wilson to support a federal woman suffrage amendment. Suffragists also pressured legislators to ratify the nineteenth amendment.
Leading women's rights advocates had several arguments and used different strategies. The advocates rallied for n...
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