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The Western Civilization History Essay Research Paper

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Western Civilization
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Scavenger Hunt 4
1. What are the consequences of The Cold War?
The Cold War was a sustained state of military and political tension between the powers of The Soviet Union representing authoritarianism and communism, and the U.S. representing democracy and capitalism. Through it, America became the superpower of the world.
The Cold War was very costly that it caused the Soviet Union to go broke because of the cost of the arms race. The more money allocated toward military build-up, the less money spent on healthcare and education. It caused destructive conflicts like the Vietnam and Korean War.
On the positive, the Cold War created a stable political world, and ethnic cleansing became almost non-existent. The global economic situation was subsequently significantly improved by the military build-up resulting from the Cold War (Fleming, 1996).
Fantastic new technologies were discovered, the Berlin wall was demolished unifying the two German nations, the Baltic States, along with some former Soviet Republics gained independence, and communism collapsed universally.
2. What are the consequences of the Six Day War?
The Six Day War, alternatively known as the Arab-Israel War, was fought between Israel and Egypt in 1967 (Roberts, 2012). The war was quick and efficient and came to a successful end after intervention by western nations. The consequences are as follows:
Israel was triumphant in the war and dominated the territories of West Bank and Gaza strip, formerly dominated by Egypt and Jordan respectively. Israel also occupied Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula (Pappe, 2017).
The war further reinforced anti-Israel sentiments among the Arab countries and many historians consider it as the reason for the creation of the PLO and the growth of Palestinian nationalism (Mohammad, 2017).
The war led to the start of the settlement building activity of Israel, in its occupied territories, thus denying Palestine the status of a formal state. It also led to the start of the up-gradation of the technological stature and military apparatus of Israel, for its defense (Liebermann, 2017).
3. What are the consequences of the TET offensive and the Prague Spring?
The TET offensive created 350,000 new refugees and caused thousands of deaths (History.com Staff, 2009). The U.S. intelligence did not heed warnings, and their confidence wavered. The American military defeated the communists.
The communists psychologically won the TET. The U.S. public became angry because they had been deceived by the outcomes of various events during the war and their resistance to the war increased. The TET caused mistrust in Johnson, and he resigned as president.
The Prague Spring caused the purge of the communist party and Dubcek resigned with Gustav Husak as his replacement. Some communist countries left the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union because it was engrossed with events in Czechoslovakia.
Brezhnev Doctrine reformulated communism, making it a one-party system. Invasion sent a message to members of the Warsaw Pact claiming that the Soviet Union wanted to relax communist control. This caused the cold war to worsen (Trueman, 2015).
Scavenger Hunt 5
1. Identify event 1, of your choice, occurring 2001-Present and explain what its roots are in the earlier periods of Western Civilization, What are the roots?
The consequences of The Cold War are very apparent. For example, currently, virtually all welfare is done in dread of nuclear attacks. This means that today, most fighting is no longer front line; instead, most fighting is done from afar.
The Cold War also has its roots in contemporary society because it helped the West avoid Communist rule; without intercession from The Soviet Union, China, and the U.S. forces, The Soviet Union might have defeated Europe and the U.S.
Lastly, the Cold War signific...
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