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Essay Instructions:
1- Please use 5 page paper (full pages, more below) about what you have seen the location must be able to explain the connections to the course American history ( Eric foner Give me liberty third edition ). 2-Each page must be double-spaced and filled with text 3- The time frame covered in this course is from about 15,000 B.C. to 1877 (the end of Reconstruction). 4- Only need two sources. One source is the book ( ERIC FONER "GIVE ME LIBERTY " 3 EDITION . You should cite specific passages or points raised in the textbook that relate to WEST POINT NY site. The second source is written materials, such as books or websites . (NOTE: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source describe: - what you see, which would include, for example, the military base ,...... - You would have to explain the importance and significance of the Battlefield and why the Battle is so important in American History. - However, in the paper, you are also required to explain your reactions and observations to what you saw. - Did you like the Battlefield? Why? Did you dislike the Battlefield? Why? Maybe you liked some parts and not others; in any event, you have to write about your reactions and explain them as well. Maybe this is your first visit there; maybe you haven't visited there in many years. Whatever the case may be, include those observations and impressions in your paper as well.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

West Point New York
West Point New York
The role of west point in the history of America traces itself back to Revolutionary War. Both sides in the war realized how strategically important it was to command the plateau situated on Hudson River to the west of its bank. The position of west point was in a very strategic position in the entire America as General George would consider it. The fortification of west point was designed in 1779 by a hero of Saratoga, Thaddeus Kosciuszko. Forts, redoubts and batteries were built by Continental soldiers. Fortress West Point didn`t not get conquered by the British even though there was a treason occasioned by Benedict Arnold. At West Point site I actually saw the oldest and ever occupied military base in America (Foner, 2013).
George Washington did prose the establishment of this base in1783 but his critics could not allow it. However, West point came to existence some years after. It became an American institution that was important to United States in the years prior to the Civil War. It established itself as America`s finest school of science and engineering. Graduates from this institute held key positions in virtually each aspect of the life of American. These graduates also began distinguishing themselves as army junior officers but later rise to command armies in the Civil War. However the reputation of the academy suffered since a good number of graduates joined the Confederacy (Ambrose, 1999).
The purpose of the West Point lies in producing leaders of an excellent character ready to prepare and provide selfless service to the American Army as well as the nation. It provides a balanced curriculum that is broad-based so as to assure graduates knowledge, attributes and skills which will enable them to effectively handle the uncertain and complex challenges they will get in their professional and personal lives. Students entering this American Military Academy and they begin a profession and a Career development which starts immediately. Each and everything the cadets` experience focuses on developing the cadets as leaders with character and ready to serve in the America Army as an officer upon graduation and get a second lieutenants title in the American Army (Foner, 2013).
Their careers in military begin and they get to become Soldiers` leaders. Every new promotion comes with additional responsibility and increased opportunity. What interests me is the fact that choosing direction and putting services for the nation as well allowing every graduate to bear standard for the generations to follow is what comes first at West point. The greatness of West point lies in cadets who graduate and get commissioned as army officers. The American Military Academy has always produce leaders to the United States Army as well as American science, exploration, education, engineering, business, public works, manufacturing, transportation and communications. This bicentennial exhibition scrutinize the lives of some selected graduates of West Point who are either famous or less well known, yet attended this Academy between 1802 and 1918. It`s quite encouraging to see that families are also form part of the story since they gave a helping hand in sustaining army communities (Ambrose, 1999).
I also saw the Museum of West Point whose mission is collecting, exhibiting and preserving as well as interpreting artifacts which are historically significant with regard to the American Army, Military Academy and Profession of Arms. The Museum supplemented the academic of cadets as well as military and cultural instruction. It also provides services and educational programs for the civilian and military personnel. Being a public institution, this museum triggers interest in American Army, Military Academy and the entire military profession. The Museum administers, addition to the museum`s main building in Olmsted Hall, to Fort Putnam that it seasonally operates. The Museum maintains a proportion of i...
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