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Watch the video and write a report. The Mandate of Heaven

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Pls watch the following video and write a two-page report. The Mandate of Heaven.


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The Mandate of Heaven
The Mandate of Heaven refers to philosophical conceptualization that was developed in China during the Zhou Dynasty. It influenced the thoughts of the Chinese regarding governance and politics. Additionally, the Mandate of Heaven determined the suitability of a Chinese emperor to rule and whenever he failed to meet his obligations then he would lose his right to continue as an emperor. The Mandate of Heaven was used by Zhou rulers as a justification of their rule. It also had four principles which included, the first principle affirmed that ruling right was granted by Heaven, the Second principle declared that there is only one heaven, and there can only be a single ruler at any time. The third principle maintained that a ruler’s right to rule was based his virtues and the last principle maintained that the right to rule was not limited to one dynasty.
The Chinese interpretation of civilization is entirely and totally different from that of other areas such as the west. For China civilization was intended to establish a moral order on earth which was supported and strengthened by virtue and ritual (Siengkhene, 2012). The Chinese people believed in the search for harmony in the earth, the ultimate goal of civilization. There are different means that were used by the Chinese to talk to their ancestors, this included the performance of rituals which enabled them to access the ways of their ancestors.
Confucius, a Chinese teacher, politician, and a philosopher is essential to the history of China. He aided in the transformation of the magic of the Bronze Age to the conception sta...
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