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War of 1812 History Essay Research Coursework Paper

Essay Instructions:

Identify and discuss the causes of the War of 1812. Discuss Native American involvement in the conflict. What was the outcome of the war and what is its historical significance?


1. Louisiana Purchase

2. The Embargo Act

3. Tecumseh

4. The Bill of Rights

5. The Missouri Compromise

No additional materials (outside sources, internet sites, etc.) will be needed to answer the questions.

Prompt should be answered in essay-format and contain a minimum of 5-6 paragraphs. In answering the question, you are required to support your claims with historical evidence and analysis. Overall, your objective, in answering the question, is to “respond/ think like a historian,” meaning your arguments and claims should be supported with evidence from primary and secondary sources.

No internet sources needed. If using any outside sources, please create a work cited page. Thank you!

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War Of 1812
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War Of 1812
The war of 1812 was America’s most ambitious act against Great Britain. Britain was intent on disrupting America’s trade by the sea. However, in James Madison’s eye, this was an attempt at retaking the young country. Therefore, President Madison wrote to Congress asking its members to back a declaration of war against Britain. Although there was some opposition from the Federalists, President Madison’s declaration of war passed. This essay explores the causes of the war of 1812 and its impact on America’s history.
As mentioned, the main cause of the war of 1812 was British attempts to restrict United States (U.S.) trade. In the early nineteenth century, Great Britain was in a bitter conflict with France, then led by the ambitious Napoleon Bonaparte. Both sides would try to cut off each other’s supply lines. Therefore, this meant that the U.S., a neutral party, would often end up in the crossfires. In 1807, Britain introduced the Orders in Council. This was a law, which required neutral countries to get a license from British authorities before trading with France or its colonies. At this time, the Royal Navy also intimidated American seamen through impressment.
In 1809, Congress repealed the Embargo Act, which had hurt American trade more than it did France’s or Britain’s. It was replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act, which prohibited trade with France or Britain. However, this was also replaced by another bill, which s...
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