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United States History and Government Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

----Choose a decision of (or action taken by ) a U.S. President, the U.S. Congress, or the U.S. Supreme Court between 2000 and 2017 that you believe was good (positive) or bad (negative) for the United States.
-essay format (an Introduction, at least three Body Paragraphs, and a Conclusion)
-a MLA format Work Cited Page with at least two sources
-worth 20% of your Second Quarter grade
-may be written or printed. If printed, you must have it printed for class on 12/13, -due Wednesday December 13th in class
Essay Rubric- Each essay is worth 20 points and break down as follows:
-- 4 points for introduction
-- 10 points for content
-- 2 points for format (spelling and grammar)
-- 4 points for conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

United States History and Government
United States History and Government
Since its inception, the United States of America has had various presidents who can be ranked as good or bad, depending on how the decisions they took affected the country or even the world at large. From George Washington who laid the groundwork for the presidency, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln who signed The Emancipation Proclamation to Barrack Obama who signed the equal rights bill for the LGBQT community, the United States of America has had some good presidents whose decisions have managed to drive America forward and make a permanent mark in history. However, between the years 2002 to 2017, the U.S President who has made the decision that has negatively affected the country is Donald Trump (Greshko, Parker, & Howard, 2017).
On the 28th of April 2017, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order called America First Offshore Energy Strategy (Greshko, Parker, & Howard, 2017). His orders will allow for the drilling of oil and natural gas off the coastal shores of the United States and the Arctic waters. These millions of acres of land had been previously banned for production or exploration by the Federal Government. In addition, the order will no longer support the creation of new marine sanctuaries or the expansion of the current ones. This move is a repeal of the Obama policies and efforts towards protecting the environment. These orders may do away with the safety enhancements that had been put in place after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill incident. This could potentially harm marine life and the environment as a whole if there was to be an accident as well as the death of oil rig workers (Greshko, Parker, & Howard, 2017).
Towards the end of his term, President Barrack Obama designated the Bears Ears and the Grand Staircase Escalante as Monuments in Utah, both of which sit on two million acres of land (Korte, 2017). President Donald Trump, however, announced that the Federal Government will no longer be offering protec...
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