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Thomas Hobbe’s vs John Locke History Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Directions: This assessment requires you to create a coherent essay of no more than five paragraphs that integrates your interpretation of primary sources attributed to Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, your understanding of the intellectual changes taking place in Western civilization during the 17th and 18th centuries, and your general knowledge of European history from 1500 to 1783.

Prompt: The intellectual methodology used by both Hobbes and Locke, when reaching their conclusions about the political structure of society, was primarily based on their opinions concerning the natural state of man.

Question: After considering the political theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and reflecting on the individuals and events of European history from 1500 to 1783, please render an opinion as to whether Hobbes’ of Locke’s conclusions were more accurate.

According to the provided direction, prompt, question, write a historical essay of comparison.

Write it in five paragraphs, and need to have documentary arguments.

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Thomas Hobbe’s vs John Locke
Thomas Hobbe’s vs John Locke
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are popular theorist who made significant contributions in the history of world politics. Through their ideas, the development of human society has been influenced positively through comprehensive knowledge regarding how to deal with different issues. Majorly, the political perspectives of Europe and America were significantly impacted by the contributions of these two philosophers. The main areas that the work of these theorists’ center on include religion, ethics, politics, economy, and sociology. The strength of western democracies was based on the contributions of Hobbes and Locke. However, it is important to acknowledge that Hobbes and Locke have diverse ideas that influenced the political climate in many western countries. Both theorists share a vision of social contract as an important aspect in ensuring political stability of the country. Notably, there are different perspectives that informed their diverse views about humanity and how politics must be conducted. Personally, I believe that the conclusions of Hobbes were more accurate compared to those of Locke’s.
Throughout his life, Thomas Hobbes believed that the only accurate and useful form of government is the absolute monarchy. This is clearly argued in his famous work, Leviathan. The main source of this perspective is drawn from the central tenets in his own life that portrayed humans as selfish individuals. In this regard, there is a need for a form of government to control the appetites and illicit actions of all individuals. It is the basis for controlling any actions of conflicts and constant disagreements within the society. When man is left without government, his life was ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
It is believed that Hobbe’s concept of human nature was based on the happenings during the English Civil War between 1942 to 1949. The was led to the killing of King Charles I due to the selfishness of humans. This rendered the English government dysfunctional, and revealed the fundamental attitudes of humans when there is no government control. Although the view was pessimistic, I totally agree that it is the true representation of humans and why government is important in restoring order. In order to curb the cruel and strong negative appetites of all human, the absolute monarchy is the best form of government. While Hobbe’s also upheld that rulers had a social obligation to his subjects, his political proposals gave the monarch absolute power and highlighted that the people did not have any power or ability to oppose or rebel.
It is also important to note that Hobbe’s political proposals center on the state of nature and the State or country. The philosophy is implied in his deductions concerning the nature of many, and how he should be led effectively to form a harmonious world. There are several key principles that can be deduced through his arguments. These principles include the welfare of the general public, the state and satisfaction with life, the pursuit and desire for justice, and the pursuit of peace. These for main ideas are the foundations of his major works, including the Leviathan. While the Leviathan gives details about the four different concepts, the pursuit of peace dominates the work. Through his analysis, he gives a comprehensive understanding of the state of humans and how they can be led effectively. Justice, peace, and welfare of the people are interrelated ideas that can only be attained when they are enforced by the government. The different states of the society exist indefinitely and must be addressed through comprehensive understanding of the society.
In order to reinforce his argument, Hobbe’s further states that humans are naturally inclined to fight each other. This strengthens the need for an absolute monarchy to guide and protect the affairs of the society. In the Elements of Law, Hobbe’s clearly argues about the natural appetites of man and how they ...
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