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History Essay: The Building Story of Cham Shan Temple

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The Building Story of Cham Shan Temple
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The Building Story of Cham Shan Temple
Cham Shan Temple is one of the best Buddhism Temples in Toronto city and is thus a fascinating tourist attraction scene. The temple project has been ongoing for twenty years, and current architects expect it to go on for twenty more years (Sklair, 2017). It consists of Chinese traditional building structures and the culture of the Buddhist community. The theme colors in the building are red, yellow, and green, and everything about the temple's history is exciting, thus making it one of the best case study areas. This essay examines the complete history of this exciting building by looking at its importance to Canadian history in all aspects and its unique features.
The entrance and the roof of the Cham Shan temple have the traditional tiles in color red and dark green, which form the triangular roof typical in old Chinese buildings. The entire building uses wood as its main structure and tiles as the roof decoration's primary material. The red columns represent luck and treasure. Cham Shan temple can take a viewer by surprise due to the mix of building styles and technology. The windows style is steel, and their shape is a combination of the European and Chinese techniques, which is a fantastic idea. A closer look at the temple reveals that the red columns are red tiles, and the building is made of wood and concrete and iron, making the place safer and noise-proof. The big bell of the temple called the Grand Bell of World Peace is essential; thus is only rang by people in case of a special event or to pass a good message and has only been rung once since the architects built the structure. The large drum along the columns represents the Chinese culture and has no particular use. The drum and lanterns aligned together make the place warm and powerful. The temple's interior is of gold and yellow, making it bright and showing a power dome.
The temple project imitates the four great sacred Buddhist Mountains in China: Wutai Shan, Puto Shan, Juitta Shan, and Emei Shan. Upon its completion, the temple will be the biggest multiplex outside China. The temple structure's uniqueness that attracts people worldwide despite their religion lies in its architecture and Chinese cultural experience. Cham Shan's economic impact and tourism development make it essential in the region of its loca...
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